Anyways, the news around here is that we DID buy the house. We take possession 10 August, maybe sooner, if they have built early. I can't wait, this shole experience has been exciting!!!! I mean we get to pick everything from where the phone and cable jacks go to knobs or handles on the cupboards. The colour of carpet (upstairs) the colour of hardwood(downstairs, it was an upgrade), the lighting package and a whole lot more. I can't wait until we move into our new HOME!!!!! I will post pictures as it is getting built, we went by it yesterday but all it is is a lot full of dirt and rocks...not too much to show.
Keenan is doing well, being a typical pain in the butt at times but he IS a 6 year old little boy, apparently its normal. He is going to turn me grey by the time I'm 30. Thank god for Hair Dye!!!!! His Karate is coming along, he has moved upto the older kids group now. It is a little more challenging but he is getting it pretty good. I have downloaded the videos of karate but the program I use to get them into my blog isn't working for some reason, I promise, once I get it sorted out I will posted them.
Haylei is doing great, she is getting alot better about using her hands. Even though she still refuses to hold her bottle. She figures that why should she hold it when she knows we will hold it for her. She is 16 lbs 2 oz as of 2 days ago. She packed on 9 oz in 1 week.

James is doing good. I think that if we would have a free babysitter he would go back to work but that isn't the case so he is toughing it out at home. He is liking the fact that he gets to spend time with the kids and that he doesn't have to get a hair cut or shave but he has noticed that staying at home is a lot of work. Although he hasn't gotten much done lately with the Olympics being on and all. LOL!!!
He has now decided that he misses the Army, so it looks like when he does his occupational transfer he is going to try to get back into the Army. He won't go back to the Infantry because that would just be too hard on his body but he misses the green uniform!!!! If he does that then he will be away in Ontario (Meaford, Borden) for awhile. It isn't too bad, I just want him to do something that makes him happy. Me with my job, I can go anywhere that he goes. So if he gets his way we will probably be leaving in the next couple years to go somewhere with actual seasons instead of construction season and tourist season. I am not looking forward to having to deal with snow again but I guess I don't have a choice. As long as my family is with me and my husband is happy doing his job then that is all that matters. We can deal with anything that comes our way.