Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Trying the latest pictures one last time...

Okay here goes my last try!!!

This last shot is Sean and Holli's place. It looks to us that they are further along the building process. If you look real close in the garage you can see that they have electrical work started....we don't.

Okay thats it for me for now. I'll be back in a couple weeks...or sooner depending.

Take Care :)

Monday, May 08, 2006

Latest on the houses

Okay well there are a few more that are more up to date but I think I have max out my blogger abilities today...or something because now it won't let me play any more. Well, I will try again later or tomorrow before my joyful appt.

Hope you enjoy the shots I already posted :)

Okay, here are the houses

Sean and Holli's house a couple weeks ago

Our house a couple of weeks ago...

okay, here are some more kids/puppy shots.

I didn't get the houses in on the last post.

Pics of Kids and House

Okay, here are the pic I promised. Don't have alot of time here so I'm just gonna post some pics and I will be back in a couple weeks....or sooner if things go well.

Haylei is in the hat, the other baby is Amanda, she is 5 weeks older than Haylei.

Daddy thought the booger bubble was funny

Late again...

I know, I know, I'm a little slow on the postings. Which I have heard a few times from a couple of my unnamed sisters. LOL!! Just wanted to give everyone a heads up that the blogging will be coming to a short pause. I have foot surgery tomorrow and will not be able to make it into the basement at all so it will have to wait until I recover. I wish I had a lap top but I don't. At least I will have a lot of reading to do when I become mobile again.

I have finally downloaded my camera so I will do an update on the house, kids and Cleo (the puppy) tonight before I have to temporarily abandon the computer.

For those who haven't seen pictures of the house just wait till you see them, everything is coming along quickly now...only 3 months to go !!!!! I know some of you have seen our house on Sean and Holli's blog but some of you haven't. It was amazing to drive up there the other week and all of the sudden there was an actual house there. Not just cement and dirt.

Trust me I can't wait to be all moved in and soaking in the hot tub....if we can get one we like at a decent price. I can dream though!!!