Well, you guessed it Angella had her baby. Took longer than I thought it would though. I will leave all the details to her and her blog as to how much she wants to share.
But what I can tell you is that her name is Emily Dian Dykstra and she was born around 2:13 today weighing in at 8lbs 51/2 oz. and 21 inches long.
So Welcome Baby Emliy, I can't wait to see you. I am SURE you are a beautiful little girl!!!!!
We love you
Auntie Mel, Uncle James and cousins Keenan and Haylei
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Poor Little Haylei
The little princess is sick. She wasn't feeling well for a bit now. It started last week and I took her into the clinic and the dr there said that it was just teething. I was thinking WOW, she is having a MUCH worse time with this than Keenan did. She got a bit more energy but was still really off. Just not herself. A lot more cuddly, snotty, poopy and cranky. Not tonnes but enough to noticed. Yesterday she was like she was last week but this time her butt was raw and RED, but that has happend before and it actually WAS teething. So this time I chalked it up to teething again. I gave her her tylenol, anbesol and medicated butt cream.
Today Maria (she watches the kids during the day) called me because Haylei was just TERRIBLE. She hardly ate, basically a couple bits of this or that, and that is NOT Haylei. Normally she is munching on something ALL DAY LONG. And she only had 3ish bottles today where in the same time frame on a normal day she would have gone through around 8 of milk or water/juice. And apparently she was rather lethargic, all in all NOT being her on the go self.
I took her to the clinic again today, saw the same dr that we saw last week and now he says that she has an ear infection. And he says that the poops bother him so I have to take a poop sample to the lab tomorrow. Here is my question...If this is an ear infection could it have started last week ? If so, what could happen if this has gone untreated for that long ? And if any one out there has had to deal with them please fill me in because I have never had to deal with them.
This is one trait that she got from Daddy, apparently he suffered from them when he was small.
Today Maria (she watches the kids during the day) called me because Haylei was just TERRIBLE. She hardly ate, basically a couple bits of this or that, and that is NOT Haylei. Normally she is munching on something ALL DAY LONG. And she only had 3ish bottles today where in the same time frame on a normal day she would have gone through around 8 of milk or water/juice. And apparently she was rather lethargic, all in all NOT being her on the go self.
I took her to the clinic again today, saw the same dr that we saw last week and now he says that she has an ear infection. And he says that the poops bother him so I have to take a poop sample to the lab tomorrow. Here is my question...If this is an ear infection could it have started last week ? If so, what could happen if this has gone untreated for that long ? And if any one out there has had to deal with them please fill me in because I have never had to deal with them.
This is one trait that she got from Daddy, apparently he suffered from them when he was small.
Baby D's arrival
For those of you who know my sister Angella know that she is pregnant.
Well as we speak she is more than 3cm (well that is what she was at the dr's earlier, she is probably a bit more by now)!!! She went in and got her membranes stripped today and when they did that she was already at the 3cm. So now it can happen any time. I just talked to her and she said that she is getting contractions on and off but not good enough to bother timing them yet. If nothing happends then they are in first thing tomorrow morning and then will break her water...if that don't work then they will start the drip. I doubt if it will have to go that far because when she goes, she GOES. There is no fooling around, she gets them babies out and FAST!!
You see she isn't actually due until the 21st(I think) but because we grow them BIG and she goes so fast the dr can kinda control it. Plus Angella was told that if the baby was to go to term it could be around the 11 pound mark!!!! Holy crap, I wouldn't want to go to term either if I were her!!! 9 1/2 was enough and BOTH of mine were late.
Once I hear more I will let you know!!
I'm thinking of you Ange!!!
Well as we speak she is more than 3cm (well that is what she was at the dr's earlier, she is probably a bit more by now)!!! She went in and got her membranes stripped today and when they did that she was already at the 3cm. So now it can happen any time. I just talked to her and she said that she is getting contractions on and off but not good enough to bother timing them yet. If nothing happends then they are in first thing tomorrow morning and then will break her water...if that don't work then they will start the drip. I doubt if it will have to go that far because when she goes, she GOES. There is no fooling around, she gets them babies out and FAST!!
You see she isn't actually due until the 21st(I think) but because we grow them BIG and she goes so fast the dr can kinda control it. Plus Angella was told that if the baby was to go to term it could be around the 11 pound mark!!!! Holy crap, I wouldn't want to go to term either if I were her!!! 9 1/2 was enough and BOTH of mine were late.
Once I hear more I will let you know!!
I'm thinking of you Ange!!!
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Thats right, I said affair. I have to confess, I think I am going to start an affair. With my new VACUUM!!!!! I got the new Dyson DC15 Animal...The Ball. This thing is soooo cool, check it out.
Utilizes a ball instead of conventional wheels to increase maneuverability
Quick-release telescopic wand expands for instant cleaning
Uses Dyson's exclusive Root Cyclone™ Technology
Effortlessly glides into awkward spaces that are usually missed
Wide channel picks up large debris that other vacuums can leave behind
Hygienic, easy empty Dust Bin
Extendable hose in handle reaches to the top of the stairs for easy cleaning
Approved for Allergy sufferers by the British Allergy Foundation
Lifetime washable HEPA filters
Clear Dust Bin allows you to see how the DC15 works
Brushbar turns off at the touch of a button to protect delicate rugs and hard floors
High velocity airflow tools
Mini turbine head Cleans pet hair and dirt from confined spaces
Low reach floor tool provides easier cleaning under low furniture such as beds and sofas
Carpet care kit Keeps new carpets looking new
Big list eh ?? I know most of you stopped reading but I feel like a kid in a candy store right now. This thing is AWESOME. I love it already...and I haven't even used it yet. Oh...the anticipation.

Man, I need a life. Okay, I admit it. I'm getting old, I mean common, a vacuum and cleaning my floors is what gets me excited. LOL!!!
Utilizes a ball instead of conventional wheels to increase maneuverability
Quick-release telescopic wand expands for instant cleaning
Uses Dyson's exclusive Root Cyclone™ Technology
Effortlessly glides into awkward spaces that are usually missed
Wide channel picks up large debris that other vacuums can leave behind
Hygienic, easy empty Dust Bin
Extendable hose in handle reaches to the top of the stairs for easy cleaning
Approved for Allergy sufferers by the British Allergy Foundation
Lifetime washable HEPA filters
Clear Dust Bin allows you to see how the DC15 works
Brushbar turns off at the touch of a button to protect delicate rugs and hard floors
High velocity airflow tools
Mini turbine head Cleans pet hair and dirt from confined spaces
Low reach floor tool provides easier cleaning under low furniture such as beds and sofas
Carpet care kit Keeps new carpets looking new
Big list eh ?? I know most of you stopped reading but I feel like a kid in a candy store right now. This thing is AWESOME. I love it already...and I haven't even used it yet. Oh...the anticipation.

Man, I need a life. Okay, I admit it. I'm getting old, I mean common, a vacuum and cleaning my floors is what gets me excited. LOL!!!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Time ? What time ???
Man, there just isn't enough time in a day. I know we all know it but over these last few weeks it has REALLY hit me. I have this list of things to do but it seems like there just isn't enough time to do them. I have one thing on my list done and it has been 3 weeks. I just don't get it. I spend all day cleaning this house, that is when I'm not playing/cleaning/feeding the kids. Not that I'm complaining about that but then once I get them to bed, check my emails (looking for James' of course) and everyones blogs (cuz I'm a stalker LOL) I just don't feel like doing much after that. I will putter around a bit but to start some big project...I DON'T THINK SO!!!
But my mommy is coming in 2 weeks and she will be here for 3 weeks so that should be enough time & help that I might actually get ahead of the game. To quickly fall behind after she leaves. But at least while she is here I will have some help.
The single parent thing was hard enough when there was only one kid but doing it with 2 is EXHAUSTING. I know there are people out there doing it, my mom did it, but it is FREAKIN tiring. I guess I can take solice in the fact that there is an end, not any time soon, but it is still there.
But my mommy is coming in 2 weeks and she will be here for 3 weeks so that should be enough time & help that I might actually get ahead of the game. To quickly fall behind after she leaves. But at least while she is here I will have some help.
The single parent thing was hard enough when there was only one kid but doing it with 2 is EXHAUSTING. I know there are people out there doing it, my mom did it, but it is FREAKIN tiring. I guess I can take solice in the fact that there is an end, not any time soon, but it is still there.
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