Saturday, December 29, 2007
Christmas Time at The Gallaghers
Auntie Courtney's Visit
Check out how strong Keenan is, he pick her up right off the ground!!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Catching up
We have had some good times lately and I will try to get some pics in, Here are some clips and pictures of Keenan's Christmas concert. He was sooo AWESOME!! He is such a cutie!!
Here is Haylei with the other two girls from daycare. Amanda and Brycee
Keenan was in the Sooke Santa Parade with his dance class...he is in Boys Hip Hop.
We were a little early for the parade so we took them McDonalds first to burn off some energy.
Seriously!! HOW CUTE ARE THEY!!??
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Sleepless in Victoria
First we will start by going around the yard just to show you how big some tof these things are.
I hope you enjoyed our decorations...just wait til next just keeps growing and growing. Next year I will have to add MORE to the display!!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
This and that catch ups..
Here is my mommy's dog "Potter" He was my shadow when I was there. I couldn't go ANYWHERE without him. He wouldn't even get up in the morning with mom. He waited until I got up. LOL!!! Isn't he a cutie??
Here is Dad with their usually spots. hehehe
My Commanding Officer from when I was in Sea cadets, myself and the other man used to be the Legion President and he is still rather active with them. He also picks on my mom a lot and its funny!!!
One of Kitimat's great RCMP's, they were a great bunch of people.
This is Leslie. I NOW feel old when I am having cocktails with a kid I used to BABYSIT!! She is a great girl who has travelled and done a lot with her life. We are all proud of her.
HEY!! DAD!!! Recognise this guy?? He used to work for my dad in Price Rupert and now he is the Commanding Officer of the Sea Cadet Corp in Kitimat. What a small world hey??
Mom and Dad...aren't they CUTE??!!
I got this great idea and got every ones hats together...look at me trying to be some sort of photographer. LOL!!! We were missing an Air Force head dress, too bad that would have been a better more complete picture.
HAHA!! Here are some reps for each hat. LOL!! We had so much fun there.
Well, I am done this one. I have more but they will have to wait. But if you want to see all of my newest pictures, there is more on flickr. I will post another shortly, hopefully it won't take as long :) It is now 10:45 Sunday morning....
Friday, November 02, 2007
Kitimat next week
Being from a rather small community I have always wanted to go back and show the town that even I made something of myself. (If you knew me growing up it was a toss up between actually DOING something with my life or becoming a bum in constant party mode). I have just always wanted to go back and speak to the Cadet Corps that I used to belong to and who introduced me to military life and let them know that there are options for them out there, they just need to make the right ones. And if I can get through to just one of those kids then it would be totally worth it.
Plus I will be going up there ALONE no hubby, no kids. After the retarded year we have had this is like a mini break for me. Yes, Hawaii sounded nicer but then I couldn't talk to the kids. And at least up in Kitimat I know people and my room and food are FREE!! LOL!!!
So to my HOTTIE of a hubby, THANK YOU for the ticket. I love you and YOU ROCK!!!
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Halloween fun
They had sooo much stuff around the farm as you go along on the train. These are just a couple.
Hey Mom, do you and dad remember these prices????
There are many many more pic that I want to post but blogger is being pissy again with me. I will post them on my flickr but just for you mom I will try to get them all on here before I come home next week. If not I will just bring them all up on a CD.