Well, I am back to reality now. In other words my course is done and I am home now.
That was the BEST course EVER!! I met some extremely great people...and some not so great people. But the great people made the course the best course I have been on to date. I don't know how to explain them justly other than I hope that the few that I became close with will stay my friends for life.
We had some good times, and some GREAT times.
Yes, I did pay attention to the actual class...at times. The course work itself was fine. I had a bit of knowledge in most feilds that were taught, so that helped. But the one that I have never touched I aced, go figure. No, I didn't top the course. I wasn't out to do that. first of all it gets you no where and secondly....I have too much fun to care THAT much about it. Give me the pass and I'm happy.
My fave part of anything is the social aspect. I am sure that over the next few days I will catch you all up on a few, definately NOT all, the stories of my life chapter in Borden.
I will leave you with some pics of some REALLY great people.
Me and my girl Chantal

These two with me...I can't find the right words for them....SIMPLY THE BEST!!! Brian and Sherri

The "DRUNK" one was my rommie, Nicole. I totally lucked out in the roommate dept. Couldn't have asked for a better one. And of course my girl Chantal again.

No, he isn't always grumpy...he just looks that way. He is actually one of the funniest/funnest people that were with us. Our man Marc.

Our sexy man Greig...

And a group of us at Moose Wanooski's in Barrie.