Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Going away..

Well, I am headed over to Vancouver tomorrow and the kids and I are going to spend the night at my fathers. Then up to Kitimat for a week, so even though I don't post often I probably won't be posting until after I get back. But from the amount of comments I get I doubt if it will be noticed. For those of you who do look and not coment......I will be back with some new pics.

Saturday, June 16, 2007


Is it me or is it the year of the snakes??? Everytime I turn around someone is talking about snakes. And if my little critter catcher Keenan doesn't come home with one...but TWO of them the other day.

This is the smaller one.

And this is the bigger one that was in our pond in the backyard.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

WOO HOO I got it figured out :)

I couldn't get the video to flip. So it is a bit of a pain to look sideways but it is too funny.

Trying this again...

Monday, June 11, 2007

Camping Videos

I am trying to upload my videos and post them but I am having a hard time. It says it is uploaded then there is nothing there. I am getting frusterated. If I figure this out I will post the videos that I took of the kids when we were camping. Oh, and we were camping at Goldstream Park. It is about 10 mins out of town towards Duncan.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Great Fun

WHAT A WEEKEND. We had so much fun. I took the kids camping and we had a blast. I am exhausted now though and I am REALLY not wanting to clean up the trailer and stuff right now. So here I am procrastinating. LOL!!

Haylei had NO FEAR all weekend. She went every where and LOVED it. Everywhere that big brother went she wanted to follow. And I mean EVERYWHERE.

I picked up Keenan some of those caps that are supposed to go into a cap gun. He sat there forever exploding those little pieces of paper with rocks. SOOOOO much better than sitting in front of a playstation or something.

It rain on us the second day but sometime around 3pm it stopped and cleared up. It didn't bother the kids thou, they found something to amuse themselves...Haylei was loving splashing in the puddles, and Keenan got to use my friends Terry's IPOD headset. So they were both happy.

After it cleared up and we all had dinner we took a walk down to the Falls. It was only about a 15 minute walk from our campsite but the trail down to it is quite a bit of stairs. It wasn't that bad but we were all worried that Haylei wouldn't be able to do it and that we may have to take turns carrying her. But she wanted nothing to do with that. She walked the whole way there, stairs and all all by her little self. Plus she got to walk Terry's Jack Russell, Bailie. Then she walked up all of those stairs and all of the way back too. I was so impressed with her.
This little waterfall is beautiful and it is deep so you can actually swim in it. As it flows down there are it more or less turns into more of a stream and it is calm so you can wade in the more shallow parts. Keenan was in up to his waist. He was totally enjoying this place.

This next one is my favorite picture from the weekend.

This was a really great place to go camping. The campsites were good sizes and you were not so close to your neighbour that you could hear him fart in the morning. I actually stood in the campsite and looked around and could honestly say that I could see nothing but forest. It was nice. We will have to go back.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Alone again

Well, James is gone again. He left on Monday morning to Halifax for 5 months :( It sucks butt, but we will live. At least he will be home for 3 weeks during the summer so that is good :)

Not too much to say right now. Work is CRAZY busy and it is just going to get worse with most of my guys getting sent over to the mainland to fight the floods.

And of course James is gone so one of us got sick. It always happens when he isn't here. Little Miss Halyei is sick. But the worse part is HE gave it to her. Of course he didn't mean to but none the less now she is sick and he isn't here. Good ol' Murphy's Law.

Anyways I am taking the kids camping this weekend so I should have some good pics for you soon.