After reading that last post I have to say that I guess I have been a "little" on the cranky side....maybe...just slightly.
I will admit that I MAY be feeling a little overwhelmed lately with basically playing the single parent type role for the last year. I was just venting and without having too many ADULTS to talk to you may have got the brunt of it. I will keep posting, as sporadically as I do.
With that I want to post a couple pics from this weekend at the Moran Family Thanksgiving Reunion....or whatever you want to call it. We just called it a miracle!!
You see, if you can remember from previous posts, (I would link them here but I am not the blog experts as my sisters Dayna and Angella) my family is usually rather spread out. My oldest brother Chris just recently moved from Ontario to Alberta with his family. My other older bro Mark lives with our dad in Vancouver. My oldest sister Michelle and her family live in Ontario still. My older sister Angella and her family are in Summerland BC. Me and mine here in Victoria. Little sis Dayna is now living in Vancouver on her OWN!! "Little" brother Lance is living with Angella in Summerland and the two youngest Chad and Courtney are living with their mom is Gibson's BC.
Through out our lives most of us have been too spread out to make family get togethers happen too often. The last time we all got together was waaaaaaay back in 1990 at my oldest brother's wedding. There were seven of us at his wedding, but there was only seven of us at the time. The two little ones weren't even a thought yet. Since then has been nine of us I think the most that have been under one roof was at my wedding and that was 7 out of 9.
Ok, now I am starting to ramble. I can try to clear things up for you but even I get confused in this family!!
Back to this weekend...with most of us in BC this year and Chris only over in Alberta this was the best chance that we had to ALL get together for once. Michelle and her son came out from Ontario which was the BEST part!!!!! With mostly everyone there (the only ones that couldn't make it was James, Michelle's hubby Grieg and Chris' daughter Paige) it made for a busy, crazy, hectic and amazing weekend. So much family in one room was amazing. The food and everything was awesome. My father and his common law wife Gail did a great job with the entire weekend and all of the planning. I couldn't take enough pictures, I was snap happy!! I only wish my camera could have held more pics.
Speaking of pics here are a few. Like I said it was a great family bonding weekend. On Sat most of us went to the Vancouver Aquarium and that was cool. Then on Sunday we all went to Crash Crawly's (kinda like Chucky Cheese...but BETTER). We all had soooo much fun!
I will try to do this in order so that it may finally put somethings in perspective.

Mark and Dad

Michelle and her son
Angella and I
Ummmm, apparently I didn't take any of just Dayna....sorry Dayna. You know what it was??? My camera couldn't take all that beauty!!
And the beatings....I mean bonding begins.
Even Haylei wanted in...

Mark's daughter Justine, Dad and Cat (Chris' wife)

The four youngest Moran's...aka "The kidless"
Michelle's family...The
Angella's family...The Dykstras
I should also have Mark with his daughter Justine and Chris's family but I must have been chasing or dealing with one of my kids in some way or another and missed those ones :(
Nic and Keenan...they don't look related do they ?? LOL!!

There are lots more pics and I have posted them on flicker (so mom...
click here)
I only hope that it doesn't take us all another 17 years before we all get together again. I call it next... 2012 Thanksgiving at MY HOUSE!!!! Don't know where that will be yet but chances are Ontario so start saving!!!!!
Gail...I may need some organising advice.