Yesterday we went out in search of something that would clean up our tank. Its not nasty or anything but the crush coral on the bottom (looks like sand)is starting to look a little dirty. That and we are getting some algea. So instead of just getting the one always we bought a bunch of stuff. We have recently decided that we are addicted and I'm not allowed to go into the fish stores alone...I have NO self control.
I thought I would share our fishies with you... this is one of our 3 porcelean crabs

We have 4 of these cleaner shrimp, below.
This is a yellow tail blue damsel, they are kinda mean. We did have 2 but our big guy beat the snot out of the little guy.
We have 2 of these yellow tangs...
These little guys are about the size of a quarter, it can get hard to find them in our huge tank but I really though they were neat. Plus I liked their name...Sexy shrimp.
This is our white goby, he eats mouthfuls of sand and sifts out the dirt.
This is our Powder Brown Tang, we have since seen a powder blue tang and I think it is next on our list.
This wierd looking guy is one our faves. He is called a Sea Hare, ours is black and white. He reminds us of a dog, when he goes to sleep he curls up. I call him our under water puppy. He's so ugly he's cute.
Last but not least is my FAVE!!!! He is a mandarin Goby, isn't he beautiful ????
I hope you enjoyed our fish. I know there isn't alot right now but this is an expensive hobby so it will take us some time to build it up. Once any of you actually see it you will understand why we love it.
those are sweet!!! don't tell dad, he tried to have tropical fish...but they all died...he's quite bitter and has resorted to big is your tank?
They're beautiful! I can't wait to get started...have to wait until we're done renovating :)
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