Well, I have not been on much in the last while but that is because I had ANOTHER surgery on my foot about 2 weeks ago. My foot had gotten soo massively infected that my foot was one red block with NO definition. By the time I got admitted into the hospital I still had to wait 5 hrs before they operated. While laying there killing time, I looked down and there was a red streak coming up my leg. Talk about scarey...usually that means some degree of blood poisoning the nurse told me. Nice eh ?? Anyways, I spent something like 6 days there (over the hot spell we were having here, my air conditioned room was great), then when I got home I was confined to my bed so I could have my foot elevated. Sounds good but in reality IT SUCKED!!! So secluded from the family, not being able to do ANYTHING. I'm glad that is over. The Dr. said that I can start putting some weight on it but I still have to remember to elevate frequently...whatever that means. LOL
Anyways, the house is done. We do our pre occupancy inspection tomorrow and our possession date is supposed to be 10 Aug, but we don't actually take possession because we have top do an occupancy inspection on the 11th @ noon which is when we are supposed to get our keys. Tell me this...why do they call it our possession day when don't even take possession???? We have the movers booked for the 11th all of our utilities are to be turned off here and turned on over there(which we did before they told us of this inspection on the 11th, originally they told us that we could move on the 11th). The problem is that now James has had to move the movers to the 12th because they won't move us on the 11th seeing how we won't have the keys until that afternoon. UURRRGGGGHHHHHHHH!!! Talk about frusterating. I don't know if that made any sense to you if not call me and I'll try to explain.
Note to Sean and Holli...make sure this doesn't happen to you. :)
Anyways, I will still be rather scarce here in the blogging world with packing and moving but once we get settled I'll get back on. Plus once James goes to the Gulf I'll be on here so much you'll all get sick of me.