Yesterday was baby girl's first birthday. I can't believe that it has been a year already....and what a year it has been. She has grown a ton and is starting the task of walking. I love this stage, it is soooo cute to see those little legs try to go. She says "HI" all the time and she has started saying "issat," which is her way of saying what is that. Here are a few pics from last night and her attacking her little birthday cake. James' parents are coming for a visit...(James is gone right now to get them) and we are going to have her birthday party this sat. Then she will have a bigger cake to attack. LOL.
I hope she likes the girly toys I got her :)
She's soo adorable!! And like Ange said... Mmmm cake!
Lobe you! say happy birthday to her for me.
i meant love*
he he
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