Monday, September 25, 2006
IQ test
Return of the Brain
I have been complaining that since James left my vacuum SUCKS. Well actually that is the doesn't. Today the brain kicked in and I decided to take it apart as see what was going on. I'm glad I did, the filter was JAMMED PACK with crap...and saw dust.
To be totally honest, things like vacuuming, laundry...generally most house cleaning James did. I had my stint where ALL I did was clean but then I basically went on strike and James picked it all up. So with him gone and a brand new BIG house I had to step up again.
While his dad was here they framed in the wall and did the electrical in the basement spare room. And apparently used the vacuum to clean it all up. Well, the vacuum didn't like that and when I started my investigating it threw up on me. Which was my first hint that something was off. Once I got it all out it was about the size of a tennis wonder the dang thing wasn't working so well.
Even though I got it working it still is a cheap crappy vacuum. It works okay on carpet but not so well on hardwood or tile. And seeing how we have more tile and hardwood in this house than carpet I STILL need a GOOD vacuum. Any ideas on a GOOD vacuum with GOOD suction that DOESN'T cost an arm and a leg ??
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
See for those of you who don't know much about the military, usually when the guys are gone the wives at home make a Honey-Do-List with all of the things that he needs to do when he gets home. Well, mine is backwards.
So included on that list is to recover the dining room chairs. See when we bought our set it had cream colored seats and that didn't work for long in this house. Some were even worse with fruit punch on two of them. Lets just say Keenan isn't the cleanest eater and at least 3-5 time a week he spills his drink. That is why we give him everything in a tupperware cup that has a tight seal and a straw hole in the lid. Here is one of the originals without the juice stains, just real yucky.

And here is the newly covered one.

It is a vinyl so that we can just wipe the messes away.
Other stuff on my list is...
-Organize the den, since we moved in it has been rather neglected. I think I've tried to clean it once and got as far as cleaning up the writhing space.
-Attack our room, the other neglected room.
-Put up shelves in our bathroom for all of James' products. Just kidding its all my crap.
-Re organizing the kids rooms
-Putting up all of our pictures
-Organizing the basement & storage room.
-Drywalling the spare bedroom
-Organizing the garage
-Building the kids a fort, (I already have the wood I gotta clean the garage so I can use it as a work shop.)
Out of all of that all that I have done is the chairs. All of that should keep me busy for a bit...I hope.
I think that the worse part is is that I was procrastinating on this post. LOL!!!
Taking the quiz
Part 1: The Birth of You
Were you a planned baby? Don't know
Were you the first? No, I was my moms last
Who was present at your birth? Mom for sure and I think Uncle Stu was there too
Were your parents married when you were born? Yes
What is your birthdate? July 7th
Part 2: The Family
Are you parents married or divorced? Divorced
An only child? NOT AT ALL
If you have siblings, are you oldest, middle, or youngest? I'm smack dab in the middle, 2 older brother, 2 older sister, 2 younger brothers, 2 younger sister. Can't get any more in the middle than that.
What are your sibling's names? Chris, Mark, Michelle, Angella, Dayna, Lance, Chad, Courtney
What do you fight about? Me and Ang have probably fought about EVERYTHING.
Which parent do you get along with best? My mommy.
Do you have step parents? Yes
Part 3: The Friends
Do you have more than one best friend? Yes, I have James and Pam. I have a few REALLY great friends too
What do you like to do when you are together? Just spending time together
Do you share the same interests? some of them
Which friend can you tell anything to? Pam, James just doesn't need to know some of the girly things. LOL!!
Part 4: Your Personality
How high/low is your self esteem? Honestly it is pretty low lately, but then again I AM fatter than I have ever been.
Do you get depressed about things easily? Not easily but it has happend
Are you an extrovert (outgoing) or an introvert (reserved)? I'ld like to say extrovert, but I'm sure I'm borderline on both
Are you happy? I don't know...have you read my previous posts? Not the happiest camper right now!
Do you live life to the fullest? Probably not enough.
Part 5: Appearance
Are you comfortable with the way you look? NO
Describe your hair? Long, redish, crazy curls, I like it better when it is straight.
How do you dress? Army uniform during the day and fat/frumpy clothes the rest of the time.
Part 6: The Past
Were you a strange child? I don't think so
What did you used to love that you no longer do? Play sports
Do you have the same friends? Not too many, a couple though.
Was there anything in your past that was traumatizing? Almost most of my past!!!
Part 7: The Future
What is your ambition? To get back to my old weight and have a terrific life with my terrific family and terrific career.
Are you scared of growing old? I will not grow old, I am 29 and WILL NOT have another birthday..
Do you want to get married? Not again!
Part 8: The Outdoors
Do you prefer indoors or outdoors? Outdoors if it's warm, indoors if it's not
Favorite Season: Winter can be pretty , Summer can be too hot, here Fall is wet, so I will have to say Spring
Do you like walking in the rain? Sometimes it can be fun.
Part 9: Food
Are you a vegetarian? HECK NO
What is your favorite food? Italian and anything spicy.
What food makes you want to gag? Liver
What is your favorite dessert? Nanaimo bars and anything that Pam bakes.
What is your favorite restaurant? Pescatores
Are you a fussy eater? No, that is my problem.
Part 10: Relationships and Love
Are you single or taken? TAKEN by a GREAT man
If taken who is the lucky guy/girl? My baby James
Do you think love is the best feeling in the world? Hell YA!
Do you believe in love at first sight? I didn't used to but I do now.
Part 11: Experiences
What was one of your greatest experiences? The birth of my children
What was one of the worst? Too many to name, but one was Keenan getting REALLY sick when he was a baby
Have you ever thought you were going to die? Once or twice
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
Sicky little boy
Dayna came on Sat and we did a little shopping then on the way back to our house there happend to be a Carnival so we stopped and Keenan got to go on some rides...HE LOVES RIDES. But he is in that in between stage where the kiddie rides aren't enough and most of the big kid rides are too much.
Anyways, we got home and just kida hung out. That noght he comes into my room around 0400ish crying about a sore throat and yucky tummy. It was downhill from there. I was going to see if I could get someone to watch him while I took Dayna back into town on Sun but he seemed like he was on an upswing. I was wrong. Then last night he had me up around 0300ish. Poor guy.
I took him into the clinic today and they said that there was a virus going around and to keep doing what I was doing but they were going to take a swab anyways. Good thing too because he has strep throat. Poor little man, I know what that was like because I had it almost once a month when I was younger.
So needless to say that he is getting the ROYAL treatment, and hopefully we get this thing licked soon. :(
Sunday, September 17, 2006
More AWESOME pics of the Kids
Okay, I know I haven't had the best luck with customer service lately but I can say that Sears made up for it.
I got pics done of the kids and they were supposed to be magical effects but when they didn't come in I called to ask why they weren't in yet they told me that their Lab didn't do the backgrounds that I wanted anymore and that they have changed backgrounds. So they gave us a few regular pics done of the kids and refunded my money, AND gave us a free session so that the kids COULD get magical effects. The best thing was that they not only gave us the first batch of free photos they also didn't charge us for the next sitting fee, all of the reg pics that they use for the magical effects, the magical effect PLUS they gave us 2 magical effect per kid when the original order was only one per kid. Talk about a SWEET deal.
BUT THEN... to top it off the originals STILL came. So I ended up with 3 magical effects per kid, all of the reg pics plus extras for killer cheap. Now that is what I call customer service. I don't know if I plan on using them much because they do cost ALOT more than Walmart but I will say the magical effects are worth it. They turned out SOOOOO awesome.
Here was Keenan's original pose... And they did this with it...
And these were the extra magical effect they gave us...
Friday, September 15, 2006
I rush home from work so that THE BRICK can deliver our footboard...finally. We only bought the bed back in May. We told them that it wasn't needed until mid problem we were told. So moving day comes and we get a headboard, rails and the mattresses. NO FOOTBOARD.
After many conversations with their shitty customer service we got NOWHERE. Finally they say that they have it, and try to deliver it the other morning but I was at work. No one called to arrange a drop off time. Finally they come today, take the footboard upstairs and go to the garage to collect the other pieces...they go to take the headboard out of the box and guess what...ITS BROKEN!!!! So now they say that it is a special order and we are looking at end Oct.
I have fired off 2 emails to the Vice Pres of Western region expressing how pissed I am.
This day has SUCKED SOOOOOOOO bad, that if anything else happends I am going to crawl under my sheets and NEVER come out!!!!
So I go to the Dr's this morning and he decides that until my foot heals that I need to be on a TCAT (temporary medical category) outlining that I cannot do certain things because of my foot. It says that I will be on 1/2 days until Mar 07. Is he CRAZY????
The thing is is that I was already on a TCAT because of my knees...blew em out in basic training and have been fighting for someone to see them ever since. Finally (4 YEARS LATER) they decide to refer me to a orthopedic specialist. Sounds GREAT...6 months later still no word from the orthopod. The kicker...I was referred to the SAME office that I have been to 3 times for my foot. Apparently these so called SPECIALISTS DON'T specialize in multi tasking.
So now that I am on a second category stating only 1/2 days I can't go on my course which I need to advance in my career. Not only that but if I don't get better they could possible medically release me. NOT GOOD!!! The last thing I want to do is get out of the military. I LOVE THIS JOB!!!
So now with James gone, new house, property line issues, 2 kids at home I get to have this thrown at me too.
All I want to do is curl up and NEVER face the real world again. I know it won't happen but I can only wish.
So that is my rant for the day...OH, not yet. Then (because like I don't already know that I'm FAT right now) the Dr says that if I lose weight it should decrease the strain on my knee...YOU THINK!!!! Like I haven't been trying to lose weight. Dumbass, what does he think that I enjoy being FAT??!!! Hasn't his mother even told him that if he didn't have anything nice to say then he should just SHUT UP!!!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Twice today I have been told that someone has checked out our Blog and I LOVE it. I don't get many comments posted but it does make me happy that people out there are checking in occasionally.
So to you that check this out, thank you. I enjoy when comments are made but I know it can be hard to find things to say sometimes. If you do check this out and you also have a blog, please comment and let me know your blog so I can check it out too.
P.S. Hi Maria and Jazz. :)
Speaking of Dayna she is going to New Zealand soon with her best friend and they are going to travel around for 2 months before she starts some schooling in Australia. I am sooo proud of her, shes going to make something with herself just you wait and see.
Dayna just on a note to you, I am jealous of your trip. I would LOVE to have been able to do something like that when I was your age. Have a great trip and savour every minute of it.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Since James has been off I have checked the computer often hoping for an email and everytime I sit down to check everyone's blogs. Man...I need a life. LOL!!!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
The fidge movers...
For those of you who are wondering what the heck I'm talkin about...
Sean and Holli moved into their house like 5 days after we moved into ours. And their fridge wasn't going to be delivered for a bit. We have a second fridge so we let them borrow it, well, here they are moving it down the street... Maybe it was one of those had to there moments but it looked funny from where I was standing.

The last two make it look like Sean was moving it on his own...Holli is there but she is hidding behind the fridge.
My best friend is gone :(

So the day has come and my baby is gone. 12 hours ago we dropped him off at the ship and that has had to be one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I mean litterally taking him to the place that is going to steal him for 1/2 a year. 1/2 A YEAR !!! Man that is going to be a long time. It hasn't really hit me though. I'm sure that one night, (probably soon) I'll be sitting here by myself and realise that I have many more REALLY quiet nights to go before my handsome, wonderful, bestest husband ever will be back with me.
I take comfort in the fact of the little milestones between now and then. My little sister Dayna is coming for a visit next weekend which will be great. As much as I love family I haven't been the best sister when it comes to keeping in touch...or remembering birthdays (Sorry Lance and Courtney...I'll make it up, I promise). But I'm hoping that I can get better. Then near the end of October I am going on my QL5 (qualification level 5) which I need for work so I can progress in the ranks and I have been asking (and being told) that I would get this course since Jan. 5 courses have run since Jan and I am finally on one. That is 1 month in Borden Ontario, so I'll be able to see more family while I am there. 1 week before I go there my mom and dad are coming down because they will be watching the kids while I am away.
I get back from Borden at the end of Nov, the mid-end Dec I am going home to Kitimat for Christmas. With James not being here I feel like it won't be a real Christmas without family around. I know I have more family around on the main land that I could see but it has been awhile since I've been home and I kinda miss it. Then sometime Jan-Feb James will be coming home for a visit, (it is an entitlement that you get when you are away from home for that long). Then next thing I know he will be home. It sounds like a busy 6 months but it will be the times in between that may be difficult.
I know I am a strong person who in the end can and will handle it but that doesn't mean that I have to like it.
So baby if you are reading this know that we love you VERY much and we wish you a fun, safe and quick trip.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Missing James Already
I know that he has to and so would I if the situation was reversed, I mean this is our job, it is what we do. I couldn't see us doing anything else but that doesn't mean that I have to like it. I have to deal with it because I have no choice but if this is how I am now I can only imagine what I will be like once he has actually left.
Knowing me I will (for the most part) keep it together for the kids but eventually I will hit my breaking point and I only hope that they are in bed so they don't get upset too. I will also keep my emotions in check with James too, I mean it is going to be hard enough for him too he doesn't need me making it worse than it already will be.
Honey if you are reading this I LOVE YOU and wish that it was March already. If I could fast forward time I would so that we don't have to spend soooo long without you. We all love you and hope your trip goes well...and FAST!!!