So the day has come and my baby is gone. 12 hours ago we dropped him off at the ship and that has had to be one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I mean litterally taking him to the place that is going to steal him for 1/2 a year. 1/2 A YEAR !!! Man that is going to be a long time. It hasn't really hit me though. I'm sure that one night, (probably soon) I'll be sitting here by myself and realise that I have many more REALLY quiet nights to go before my handsome, wonderful, bestest husband ever will be back with me.
I take comfort in the fact of the little milestones between now and then. My little sister Dayna is coming for a visit next weekend which will be great. As much as I love family I haven't been the best sister when it comes to keeping in touch...or remembering birthdays (Sorry Lance and Courtney...I'll make it up, I promise). But I'm hoping that I can get better. Then near the end of October I am going on my QL5 (qualification level 5) which I need for work so I can progress in the ranks and I have been asking (and being told) that I would get this course since Jan. 5 courses have run since Jan and I am finally on one. That is 1 month in Borden Ontario, so I'll be able to see more family while I am there. 1 week before I go there my mom and dad are coming down because they will be watching the kids while I am away.
I get back from Borden at the end of Nov, the mid-end Dec I am going home to Kitimat for Christmas. With James not being here I feel like it won't be a real Christmas without family around. I know I have more family around on the main land that I could see but it has been awhile since I've been home and I kinda miss it. Then sometime Jan-Feb James will be coming home for a visit, (it is an entitlement that you get when you are away from home for that long). Then next thing I know he will be home. It sounds like a busy 6 months but it will be the times in between that may be difficult.
I know I am a strong person who in the end can and will handle it but that doesn't mean that I have to like it.
So baby if you are reading this know that we love you VERY much and we wish you a fun, safe and quick trip.
I'm praying that it goes FAST!!!
I am glad your coming to Ontario and we will finally get to meet you instead of knowing you vicariously through your blog. Speaking of feeling like a stalker!
CFSAL...I remember it well, we will have to make sure you get rescued on weekends :)
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