The kids and I had a night out at The Government House on Wednesday. We were invited guests of BC's Lieutenant Governor . When I say we, I mean all of the families of the crew of HMCS OTTAWA. They said it was a way of appreciating the families behind the boys and girls out there. Sure, sounded good.
So we went there and this place is GORGEOUS!! I wish I took more pictures but my camera was dying (I thought I charged them but I guess I didn't have them in the charger properly, its happend before). So I had to be picky with what I shot. I could have shot myself when I didn't bring back up batteries. LOL!!! Anyways, it was nice. We did the receiving line then the line got introduced and was led in the room by a guy playing the bagpipes. The piper brought them in then led a train of people (mostly all the kids) around the giant ballrom, up the stairs to the overlooking balcony then around the room some more before he led the Governor General and others up on the stage. The kids LOVED it !! Us parents were watching the old nursey rhyme happen right in front of us. HAHA!!
After that there were a couple short speeches, that I missed because Ms. Haylei was on the move and LOUD, then on to appies and socialising. The was a little kids section too with lots of kid food, cookies and juice and stuff. There were even a couple of clowns playing and making balloon animals and stuff for the kids, there was face painting. It was a REALLY good night. I think everyone enjoyed themselves.
Here are the couple pictures that did manage to take.

Wonderful pics, especially the one with you guys and Iona! I've always wondered what it looks like in there...pretty fancy schamcy.
aww! looks like a fun night!
that last pic is just too cute!
Sounds like a great evening!
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