Friday, July 13, 2007

More Pics and Clips from the Clutz

For those of you who didn't know already, I was a clutz again on Wednesday morning. As I was leaving for work I was going down the stairs off the porch and I tripped over the straps to my back pack. Landed smack on my knee. Luckily it was only one knee, the other was saved by the evil back pack. So I am not too mobile right now. But like everything else I will get over it....sometime. As long as it is better by next weekend I'll be happy. Thats when James comes home on leave and I don't really want to be all crippled.
But I wanted to post the other pics and video clips I mentioned earlier. So here are the pics and I will try to add the videos but I don't know if they will work.

Isn't this the cutest little strawberry Shorcake out fit ??!!

My two little models, now don't those smiles just melt your heart!!

Keenan got to go on his first ever helicopter ride over the Douglas Channel up in Kitimat and he just LOVED it!!

Haylei loved Keenan's old chair up at moms so much she wanted to sit in it all the time in the driveway!! LOL!!!

I can't believe how big he is getting, check out those muscles!!

Haylei playing in the sand pit we made for her.
They both love the bubbles. So did my moms dog though, he would try to eat them all. LOL!!

And here are a couple vids too. I tried to rotate them, lets see if it works....

At least the south terminal isn't very busy and they kids found a place to burn off some energy. Hey, whatever works.

These two are of Haylei sining her version of Happy Birthday. She only got a couple words but notice how she can't say mom quietly ?? I think I have never heard her say it quietly, it is always "MOM!!!!" .

WOOHOO!! They worked. Well, that is it for now. Time for me to ice the knee.


Anonymous said...

I had no idea about your knee! Hope you're OK! The kids are looking pretty dang cute, though :)

Anonymous said...

Oh so that's what you meant about your bad luck on facebook. Ow!