Adventures by The Gallaghers
It won't let me load the other ones, I will have to try it again later.
Everyone take care and I will talk to all of you in about 2 weeks or so.
Sorry about the sideways ones, I don't know how to turn them.
We actually took this ride below and I was surprised that Keenan would actually go. He did it. He was all gung ho until we were in the seat and they tilted us backwards. The guy asked if we wanted a countdown and Keenan said no so the guy just let us rip. It was funny, all of the sudden Keenan is going..."MOMMY!!!!" MOMMY!!!!" Once we hit the top and started just bouncing he was a bit better and by the time we were finished he wanted to go again. They video you as you are on the ride and we wanted the video but when we got it home we found out that it wasn't even of us. It was these two young girls. Poor Keenan was so dissapointed. I have emailed the company but I haven't heard back yet. I hope I do. His face was priceless.