Monday, September 03, 2007

Picture Catch Up

Last Wednesday I took Keenan over to the PNE for the day. We has sooooooo much fun. At first he didn't know where we were going because I didn't tell him until we pulled up into the parking lot across the street and he saw all the rides. His face was priceless.

Here he is all excited on the ferry over and he didn't even know why he was excited. LOL!!

Now his patience is starting to run thin as he stares out the window "completely BORED" as he said.

There is that smile!! Once he realised what we were doing he was so happy I think he was smiling all day. Okay, maybe not all day as you will see in the pictures below. He toughed out pretty much EVERY ride but the faces he made doing some of them were so funny.

We even went for a Monster Truck ride. That was fun. It was the same truck that I took Keenan on in Langford about two years ago.

He LOVES his tatoo!! he is sad right now cuz it is starting to wear off.

Here we are on the Hellavator. Doesn't he looks so happy ??
Then we go up......
And here we are at the top. All those smiles have vanished.

We went on a lot more rides but I can only post so many pics. But he had an aboslutely day that made him one happy boy. Once we were done there we stopped by a fish store that I know about and picked up some new fish (that made mommy one happy girl).

Keenan at the ferry terminal play gorund, still full of energy and going on like the energizer bunny.

Off the ferry and on the way home and he is OUT!!!

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