When we took the kids to the Dinosaurs on the weekend, I wasn't feeling the greatest then. Mind you we had gone out the night before so I just chalked it up to that. NOPE!! By monday night I had a volcanoe at each end of my body. Not cool!! Haylei is the biggest booger factory ever right now. Thankfully Keenan hasn't caught anything yet. (knock, knock, thats me knocking on wood).
I am definately feeling better today, the eruptions have slowed down. Now I am just tired and sore. But then to top it all off....
So as soon as I showed Keenan he wanted to go out. So he headed out for a bit. I came out to take some pictures but realised I had the wrong lens on. I went back into the house to change lenses. When I get back out Keenan had made a snow angel in the driveway so I went to get a picture of it. Yup!! You guessed it. My feet came out from under me and I came crashing down. All I could think about was protecting my camera!!! It didn't end up too bad. A little sore but that could be from the jolt of the fall or from getting over the heaves. I got a bit of roadrash on one hand and it skinned my right elbow pretty good. But most importantly...the camera was FINE.
A hint of advice....don't walk down your steep, slippery driveway wearing RUBBER GARDEN SHOES!!!
I don't know about you but if I ever meet this Murphy character I'm gonna throttle him!!!
Ouch! Glad to hear nothing is broken, the camera or your bones.
Who put their bare foot in the snow? Are you crazy! That made me shiver.
I would protect my camera too!
Great shots, Mel!
You are a quick learner!
just showing mom how to do this
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