We went to Keenan's first ball game a little while ago. His first game, first pitch, first hit.... and its a HOME RUN!!!! GO KEENAN!!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!!! Check out his tongue. LOL!!
I got too busy cheering and forgot to be snapping as he rounded the bases...
But here he comes into home plate!!!!!!!
Apparently after his home run he found being short stop boring.
James did awesome capturing this hit!!
OOhhh, the concentration......
He hits!!!!
And he's off to first....
Rounding second.....
HEY!! What's that second kid looking at?
IT'S KEENAN!! Bringing in the tail end of not only his second home run but his GRAND SLAM!!
GAME OVER!! Keenan's so cool he had to put his leather back on right away. He always knows how to make himself stand out. Other than always being the tallest kid there.
Haylei really couldn't have cared less. She took off into the trees...
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