I got a call last week saying that my dad was having some issues that was thought to be related to disc/vertebrae issues. THAT I get, as I deal with that daily. This last week I have been waiting to hear what the outcome of the test that he had done were. I knew that he was getting his results back on Wednesday. But I never heard from him or any of my siblings so by Thursday night I was going to call him once I got the kids to bed to see what was going on.
Then the phone rang and it was him. Expecting to hear that it was a disc or vertebrae thing I was not ready to hear what he said next. He's been diagnosed with ALS or what is known as Lou Gehrig's disease. I had heard about it before as most people have but never really understood it fully. Not that I understand it fully now but at least now I know what he is going to be dealing with and going through. And to that all I can say is ITS NOT FAIR!!
This man has always been a strong man, and a constantly on-the-go man. To know what he is going to have to go through just hurts my heart. He is my dad and of course we have not ALWAYS seen eye to eye but what kid has ever seen eye-to-eye with their parent all the time. Regardless of anything that has been said or done in the past, he is my dad. He is half of the reason that I am here and ALL of the reason my family is the family it is. I love him for it. And I love him .
Once, a long long time ago I was briefly Daddy's little girl. I will remember that and I will cherish that.

I love you daddy!!
I'm trying to figure out when I can get up there for a visit...I'm still just processing tho..
I love you!
I'm glad I got to talk to you yesterday, Mel.
This is twenty shades of suck, but I'm thankful for the rad family that we have.
Love you.
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