Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Today is going to be a rough one. I started feeling sickly yesterday but because I'm either a sucker for punishment or I have a conscience I have come to work. Way too early, like usual, but I'm here. And as you can tell my mind isn't into work...thats why I'm blogging. LOL!!!

I know that I've slacked off on the blogging thing but unlike my sister I'm not a beautiful writter. She can blog about anything and make it sound good. Maybe one day...

Well, seeing how I'm here lets see what I can tell you to get you up to date with what is going on in the Gallagher household.

For starters Haylei is growing and packing on the pounds. In about a weeks she packed on 9 oz and is weighing in at 16lbs 11oz and 26.5 inches long. She has a bit of a cold again, nothing serious just alot of boogers.

Keenan has been slowly getting better with his attitude and behaviour issuse. Well, to a point. I mean he is a 6 year old little boy and I'm told that is normal. I guess now I wait until his mid twenties before all of that changes. LOL!! I can't blame the kid, I mean, he is mine and I know I was NO angel.

James is doing good. I think he is getting a little stir crazy in the house all of the time but he does hide it well. With all of this time on his hands he has decided that he misses being in the Army. He always knew that he wasn't going to stay in the Navy, it was just a stepping stone. Like I told him the other night, it was only so that he could meet his wife and creat his family. Thats what I like to think anyways.

He has decided that he wants to try for FCS Tech (Fire control system technician). Fire Control Systems Technicians belong to the Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Branch of the Canadian Forces. They are the only electronic-optronic technicians dedicated to the Army, but they also support Air Force and Navy requirements. Firecontrol systems are the weapon components that ensure accurate delivery of ammunition to the intended target, and Fire Control Systems Technicians are responsible for maintaining, repairing and modifying this equipment to keep it in top condition. So he in a nut shell he gets to blow stuff up !!!

There are a couple other trades that he has been looking at if he can't get that one but for all of them he would have to go Army again. As long as he eventually finds something that he is happy with, its all good.

The only crappy thing is that if he gets his FCS Tech then again he will be away for a long time. As it is he leaves for the Gulf in Sept (about a month after we take possession of the house) and will be gone for 6 months. He may come home early but that is only if he gets accepted for the FCS Tech course which is over a year long and all of it is done in the Ontario area. We have no idea what will happen, it all depends on if he gets this course. I hope that if he gets the course I will get posted to somewhere in Ontario so that me and the kids will be somewhat closer to him. Otherwise me and the kids will have to stay here and be away from him for over a year. I know it sounds like a long time (and it kind of is) but in the grand scheme of things, being our entire lives, a year is relatively short.

Regardless of what happends with that...if he doesn't get that course then once he gets home from the Gulf he will have to do his 5's training and that is in Halifax for something like 4 1/2 months.

It sounds like alot and I know some of my friends that are not in the military don't know how we do it but this is our lives. I can't speak for James but I love my job, my life, my family and all it entails. You have to realise that we volintarily joined the military and knew that there would be trying times. I can honestly say that it wasn't until I joined the military that I actually felt like I belonged. There is no life like it....and I love it.

I guess I should probably get back to work but I will try to update this more often now that I know I can access it for work.

Oh, and for those that don't know we did buy the house. We went and picked out everything from lighting to counter tops...that was fun. Now all we have to do is wait for it to get built...its going to be a long 5 months. I'm impatient, I want to move in NOW!!!!!!


Angella said...

Oh, and I thought I'd tell you of a REALLY big baby - my frind Julie's son, William, is 4 1/2 months and 22 1/2 pounds!!!! He's a bubba! Not that Haylei's tiny, but he'd sure make her look that way :)

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