Friday, February 23, 2007

Happy Birthday Keenan !!!!!

I am really late on this post but I want to put it in anyways. On February 11th it was Keenan's 7th birthday. 7, already. I can't believe it has been that long, or how SOOOOO much has changed since having him.

He was a joy as a baby and a toddler. Now as a little man he is still an amazing little man. With good days and BAD. But who hasn't had those, I know I was a HUGE handfull to my parents for MANY YEARS. Somewhere in the ball park of 11 years. So Keenan is still an angel in my book and always will be.

I was still out of town for his real birthday but I returned 3 days later. So we held his birthday the weekend after I got back and they all had a blast. He came out of there with a good amount of loot.

Happy Birthday Zipperhead, I love you



Just a couple minutes

Seeing how I can only seem to find a couple minutes here and there to do these posts I will make them short.

I did say that I would tell some stories about being in Borden...well...there are so many I don't know where to start. So I will start with our course photo.

Now don't we all look like good soldiers/seamen/airmen ? HAHA!! If you only knew. LOL!!

I am just kidding, when it comes to our jobs we are all dedicated. But we do know how to have fun too.

Without saying too much and possibly getting us into some sort of trouble I will say that we had a great time on course and off.

Doing things like going into town and getting funny looks from the clerks at the grocery store, who we believed thought we were the strippers from up the road. And we kinda looked like that too. We had pretty much rolled out of bed and went into town in our sweats and all. We seriously looked pretty rough. From that we came up with our "Strippers" names that stuck for the remainder of the course....and still.

Yes, we spent our share of time at the Jr. Ranks Club. For those of you who don't know what I am talking about it is the bar on base where you have to be a Master Corporal or lower in rank to be allowed in. It is just for us low ranks. We have more fun anyways. LOL !!!

Many of the stories were "had-to-be-there" moments so I will not try to relive them here. But I will say that our mattress rides were a TONNE of fun. hehehe

Poor things

Well, I have been home for a week now and things are almost back to normal. I say almost because now the kids are sick.

Not terribly so but enough. Haylei has been fighting with the booger fairy since I got home and now she has a temperature and is rather cranky and more cuddly than usual. Keenan has been complaining about a sore throat for the last 2 days along witha temp and soreness.

So needless to say I have quickly jumped back into mommy mode. Not that I am complaining at all. I love mommy mode. I just love it more with healthy kids. LOL!!

Here are a couple pics of our beautiful kids BEFORE they got sick.

For those of you who know Aremis (RMS) he is being well taken care of.

Monday, February 19, 2007

My Hero !!

This is going to be a short one. I do have many posts in my head but haven't got the time to get them all out lately. They will come....eventually.

I just wanted to share this picture of James. The ship's company is being awarded a medal for the work they have done over there. I came across this on the ship's website and was so happy to see him. He'll always be my hero !!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Good times, Good times!!

Well, I am back to reality now. In other words my course is done and I am home now.

That was the BEST course EVER!! I met some extremely great people...and some not so great people. But the great people made the course the best course I have been on to date. I don't know how to explain them justly other than I hope that the few that I became close with will stay my friends for life.

We had some good times, and some GREAT times.

Yes, I did pay attention to the actual times. The course work itself was fine. I had a bit of knowledge in most feilds that were taught, so that helped. But the one that I have never touched I aced, go figure. No, I didn't top the course. I wasn't out to do that. first of all it gets you no where and secondly....I have too much fun to care THAT much about it. Give me the pass and I'm happy.

My fave part of anything is the social aspect. I am sure that over the next few days I will catch you all up on a few, definately NOT all, the stories of my life chapter in Borden.

I will leave you with some pics of some REALLY great people.

Me and my girl Chantal

These two with me...I can't find the right words for them....SIMPLY THE BEST!!! Brian and Sherri

The "DRUNK" one was my rommie, Nicole. I totally lucked out in the roommate dept. Couldn't have asked for a better one. And of course my girl Chantal again.

No, he isn't always grumpy...he just looks that way. He is actually one of the funniest/funnest people that were with us. Our man Marc.

Our sexy man Greig...
And a group of us at Moose Wanooski's in Barrie.