Monday, September 08, 2008


So as for the move, we are getting closer. We still don't have a definite date of departure but it will be sometime on or around Oct 13th. We should be getting into Ontario, if we stick to my schedule, on the 18th of Oct. Which is when we should be picking up our dogs. Yes, we bought 2 dogs and we can't wait till we can get them. But the kids don't know, it is supposed to be a surprise for them so please, no one say anything to them :)

Here is a link to some pics of the boys. Timmy is the dark and tan one and Blaze is the black and white one. They are both Georgian Bay Sporting Dogs. Basically 3/4 Weimaraners (James has always wanted a weim) and 1/4 lab. I am sooooo excited to get them!!!

The house is for sale and we have had one viewing already but apparently the house was too much house for the older couple that was looking. I hope we get a bite soon. I don't want to still have the house after we move. I would like to have it all dealt with before we go. Keep your fingers crossed for us. We will not be buying on the other end as we figure we are only going to be there for a couple years and I don't want to deal with that much buying and selling within 2 years, it would be too much. So we will probably move into PMQ's again. But on the bright side we are hoping to get into the old officer quarters on the base, they are supposed to be a lot nicer with 2 bathrooms and a fire place, we should find out in the next couple days.

As for me, some of you may have hear that AGAIN I have had some health issues. It started off with an infection which they treated with a strong antibiotic. Well, it was too strong and basically wiped out my system of ALL bacteria, good and bad. Causing a secondary infection which is known as C Defficile. Not fun. I am still dealing with some of the effects of that and have an appt today to find out whats next. To top it all off I have also had a kink (or something) going on in my neck for almost 2 weeks now and it has started to get worse, it feels like someone has punched me real hard in the shoulder. No idea what that is all about but hopefully I will find out today at my appt.

So like always I am falling apart and that in and of itself is frustrating but nothing new!! LOL!! I think I am about an inch away from buying myself a giant plastic bubble to move into!!

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