Hello, sorry it has been a little while since I have posted anything. My parents are here right now so I don't really have the time to be spending hiding out in the basement on the computer. Lately the only time I have been down here is to quickly check for emails from James.
James is still at sea, 21 more sleeps until he gets home and I CAN"T WAIT!!! It just isn't the same without him around.
It has been nice having my parents here though, they have been a lot of help with the kids and giving me some time for myself. It has also been nice to not have to do ALL of the cooking. I remember when I was doing my basic training and my 3's course out in Borden. I couldn't wait until I could cook my own meal for a change but that novelty worn off quickly and now my favorite meal is anything that I didn't have to cook. LOL!!
Nothing too eventful has been going on here lately. Poor little Haylei got her shots today and she is not a very happy camper. They should come up with a better way to do those things. I mean the poor little thing had to have 4 huge needles stuck into her leg today and in 2 months has to have 3 more. I felt sooo bad when she was getting them I just wanted to make the nurse stop. I know that they are for her own good but I have never heard her scream such a painful scream and so loud for so long. If I could I would have gotten them for her. Next time it is dad's turn to take her.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
That's it !!!
Okay, that is it. I have confirmation that I have the best husband ever. I finished writting about my mom and went to make lunch. I get half way through making it and the doorbell rings. I thought that with today being James' birthday maybe someone sent him a package in the mail. So I go to the door and there is a man standing there with a dozen long stem roses and the paper(he took it out of the mailbox).

And they were from James. What a sweetheart!!! On his birthday he had somehow arranged for me to get flowers. Talk about one GREAT husband, while he is out there sailing he still manages to do stuff like that.
Ohhhhhh, what a great man!!!

And they were from James. What a sweetheart!!! On his birthday he had somehow arranged for me to get flowers. Talk about one GREAT husband, while he is out there sailing he still manages to do stuff like that.
Ohhhhhh, what a great man!!!
My mommy is coming!!!!
Thats right you just heard a grown woman happy cuz she gets to see her mommy. But that isn't the best part, shes coming at the PERFECT time. I just spent the last two weeks at home with my children. Which is lovely but with James gone right now it has been a little crazy. The teachers strike created more time for me to get things done but has left poor Keenan at home. The weather here hasn't been all that nice, no snow storms or anything but not very nice all the same. And when the weather isn't nice then he gets stuck inside and that boy has TOO much energy to be inside for long periods of time. Not that I mind him going out in the rain (light rain that is) but none of his friends will venture out too often if it is raining at all.
The timing on this is great, this will give her some Nana time and me a bit of a break. I have decided to take Keenan to Johnny Zee's (kinda like a Chucky Cheese) while my mom is here so that we can have some mommy and son time. I feel bad for the little guy because lately all hes heard is " When I'm done with your sister," or "After I feed your sister," ..."sister, sister, sister." He has done wonderful with her and loves her to peices but I don't want him to think that she is more important. So I think now is a great time to give him some undivided attention for a couple hours.
They come in today around dinner time and I can't wait. Dad is coming too, he actually got out of the house. It is a rare occurance but it happens occasionally. LOL!!! It sounds like they will be getting out a bit more often though. My mom told me that she will be taking turns from now on between visiting us and visiting my sister (Angella) in Summerland. So I will take all the mommy time now because it may be awhile before I get to see her again. Unless we can get up to see her when she goes to my sisters some time next year.
She is the best. Ya, we had our rough times when I was growing up but since this whole "adult thing" hit me she has been my best friend. We talk at least once or twice a week, sometimes more often. We both have our issues still but I think we have learned to deal with them.
She is currently awaiting a knee surgery so she decided that she better get down here before that happends and before her granddaughter is one. LOL!!!
Speaking of her granddaughter, my mother has only seen pictures and can't wait to finally meet her. When I was pregnant and before I was told the sex, we all just assumed that I was going to have a boy. That is the way it seemed to run in my family. All of my brothers (who have kids) have had girls (Chris has Sasha, Paige and Jaden, and Mark has Justine) and all of my sister who have kids) have had boys (Michelle has Nic, Angella has Graham and Nathan, and I had Keenan). So finding out that we were having a girl was just even more exciting. Right away mom was looking at all the girl clothes. We have always complained that the stores back home carried more cute girl things than boy things. Now we can play dress up !!! Don't get me wrong we dressed Keenan up in some really cute things but girl clothes is just FUN.
Well thats it for now, we still have a few things to do before my parents get here.
Oh, and today is James' birthday. Happy 27th baby!! I can call him baby...he will always be younger. LOL!!! He probably won't have that great of a birthday because they are sailing right now but he will enjoy his weekend off in San Diego. He has the whole weekend off so who knows what kind of trouble he could get himself into. Have a good one hun!!
Take Care
The timing on this is great, this will give her some Nana time and me a bit of a break. I have decided to take Keenan to Johnny Zee's (kinda like a Chucky Cheese) while my mom is here so that we can have some mommy and son time. I feel bad for the little guy because lately all hes heard is " When I'm done with your sister," or "After I feed your sister," ..."sister, sister, sister." He has done wonderful with her and loves her to peices but I don't want him to think that she is more important. So I think now is a great time to give him some undivided attention for a couple hours.
They come in today around dinner time and I can't wait. Dad is coming too, he actually got out of the house. It is a rare occurance but it happens occasionally. LOL!!! It sounds like they will be getting out a bit more often though. My mom told me that she will be taking turns from now on between visiting us and visiting my sister (Angella) in Summerland. So I will take all the mommy time now because it may be awhile before I get to see her again. Unless we can get up to see her when she goes to my sisters some time next year.
She is the best. Ya, we had our rough times when I was growing up but since this whole "adult thing" hit me she has been my best friend. We talk at least once or twice a week, sometimes more often. We both have our issues still but I think we have learned to deal with them.
She is currently awaiting a knee surgery so she decided that she better get down here before that happends and before her granddaughter is one. LOL!!!
Speaking of her granddaughter, my mother has only seen pictures and can't wait to finally meet her. When I was pregnant and before I was told the sex, we all just assumed that I was going to have a boy. That is the way it seemed to run in my family. All of my brothers (who have kids) have had girls (Chris has Sasha, Paige and Jaden, and Mark has Justine) and all of my sister who have kids) have had boys (Michelle has Nic, Angella has Graham and Nathan, and I had Keenan). So finding out that we were having a girl was just even more exciting. Right away mom was looking at all the girl clothes. We have always complained that the stores back home carried more cute girl things than boy things. Now we can play dress up !!! Don't get me wrong we dressed Keenan up in some really cute things but girl clothes is just FUN.
Well thats it for now, we still have a few things to do before my parents get here.
Oh, and today is James' birthday. Happy 27th baby!! I can call him baby...he will always be younger. LOL!!! He probably won't have that great of a birthday because they are sailing right now but he will enjoy his weekend off in San Diego. He has the whole weekend off so who knows what kind of trouble he could get himself into. Have a good one hun!!
Take Care
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
My mixed up family
Okay, I have been getting some questions about my family. Yes, it is a little interesting...or at least dysfunctional. I will try to straighten a couple things out for those of you who are new to "The Moran Storey." I know my sisters have breakdowns on their blogs but maybe this will help out the people who haven't looked at theirs.
Okay, we will start way back at the beginning..well as far back as I need to go. It all started in Ontario, my father married a woman named Pat. They had 3 kids. Chris who is the oldest and is back in Brantford with his baby daughter Jaden, he also has 2 other daughters, Sasha who dances on cruise ships and Paige who lives with her mother in Kelowna, BC. Then there is Mark who is currently living with our father in Burnaby,BC and working for the same company my father works for. His daughter is Justine who lives with her mother in Gibsons, BC. Their third child is my oldest sister Michelle, she lives in Brantford with her husband Greig and their son Nic.
Now my father Al, he is well...he apparently finds it hard to be commited. Then he married my mom and they had my sister Angella who now lives in Summerland, BC with her husband Matthew and their two boys Graham and Nathan. Two years later I showed up and we all know that I live in Victoria, BC with my 2 beautiful kids Keenan and Haylei along with my terrific husband James.

Then he married Shona, they had 4 kids Dayna, Lance, Chad and Coutrney. Dayna is now a highschool grad working as a manager at Reitmans. Lance is in grade 11 and is our awesome hockey player. Everyone was telling me that my brother was a hottie at the wedding but I just don't see that...I mean hes my brother...GROSS. Chad is in grade 9. Chad is the thinker in our family, he is always analyzing everything. With his brains he is going to go far. Then of course there is Coutney, she is the baby and always will be. She has been as cute as a button since she was born and she'll play that fact when ever she can.
And as for my mother, Linda. She lives in Kitimat, BC with her husband Don. No storey to tell there.
So now do you got it? Probably not, we all still get confused at times. That is only the start, there is always more to a storey but I will save that for another time. I hope this clears things up for those of you who were trying to figure it all out.
Till next time...
Okay, we will start way back at the beginning..well as far back as I need to go. It all started in Ontario, my father married a woman named Pat. They had 3 kids. Chris who is the oldest and is back in Brantford with his baby daughter Jaden, he also has 2 other daughters, Sasha who dances on cruise ships and Paige who lives with her mother in Kelowna, BC. Then there is Mark who is currently living with our father in Burnaby,BC and working for the same company my father works for. His daughter is Justine who lives with her mother in Gibsons, BC. Their third child is my oldest sister Michelle, she lives in Brantford with her husband Greig and their son Nic.
Now my father Al, he is well...he apparently finds it hard to be commited. Then he married my mom and they had my sister Angella who now lives in Summerland, BC with her husband Matthew and their two boys Graham and Nathan. Two years later I showed up and we all know that I live in Victoria, BC with my 2 beautiful kids Keenan and Haylei along with my terrific husband James.

Then he married Shona, they had 4 kids Dayna, Lance, Chad and Coutrney. Dayna is now a highschool grad working as a manager at Reitmans. Lance is in grade 11 and is our awesome hockey player. Everyone was telling me that my brother was a hottie at the wedding but I just don't see that...I mean hes my brother...GROSS. Chad is in grade 9. Chad is the thinker in our family, he is always analyzing everything. With his brains he is going to go far. Then of course there is Coutney, she is the baby and always will be. She has been as cute as a button since she was born and she'll play that fact when ever she can.
And as for my mother, Linda. She lives in Kitimat, BC with her husband Don. No storey to tell there.
So now do you got it? Probably not, we all still get confused at times. That is only the start, there is always more to a storey but I will save that for another time. I hope this clears things up for those of you who were trying to figure it all out.
Till next time...
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Better Now
Well, everything is better now. My sister got the night off and had a great time with her friends and she sounds like she is refreshed a bit. So, that is a good thing.
This is going to be a short one. I just thought I would let everyone know that with school being out our weeks are not so hectic any more. Now the only thing we have a timing for is his swimming lessons. Other than that it is the typical daily meals, house, baby needs that have to be met. This school strike isn't all that bad. My life has slowed down to a manageable pace right now. Well, it will be manageable when I get rid of this nasty head cold.
I heard from James and this port isn't going to be all that great for him. They got in yesterday afternoon and were secured I think by 4pm-6pm and then they had to work a half day today and he is duty tomorrow. So he didn't get a whole lot of time to do much in San Francisco. He tried to get on a Alcatraz tour but they were all sold out for today. That would have been cool.

Next stop for them is either San Diego or Ensanada, Mexico. I don't remember which one is first. But where ever they go he isn't duty there so he should get to do more and get off the ship more.
I really don't care where he goes, all I want to hear is when he's coming home!!!
This is going to be a short one. I just thought I would let everyone know that with school being out our weeks are not so hectic any more. Now the only thing we have a timing for is his swimming lessons. Other than that it is the typical daily meals, house, baby needs that have to be met. This school strike isn't all that bad. My life has slowed down to a manageable pace right now. Well, it will be manageable when I get rid of this nasty head cold.
I heard from James and this port isn't going to be all that great for him. They got in yesterday afternoon and were secured I think by 4pm-6pm and then they had to work a half day today and he is duty tomorrow. So he didn't get a whole lot of time to do much in San Francisco. He tried to get on a Alcatraz tour but they were all sold out for today. That would have been cool.

Next stop for them is either San Diego or Ensanada, Mexico. I don't remember which one is first. But where ever they go he isn't duty there so he should get to do more and get off the ship more.
I really don't care where he goes, all I want to hear is when he's coming home!!!
Thursday, October 13, 2005
My sister

My sister Angella is having a hard time. For those of you who don't know her she is my only full sister two years my elder.
She had a house fire this summer and things still haven't got back to normal. Her, her husband and two kids (Graham and Nathan) have been living at a friends house while her house is being repaired. She was lucky, the only things that she lost were a few material things. It happend on a night when they were out of power and a tea light caught fire in her youngest sons room. They caught it in time and Nathan was unhurt. I don't want to get the facts wrong so you can read about all the details if you follow the link to her blog. We are all really happy that the little guy didn't get hurt. There wasn't a scratch on him. He didn't even cry when this was happing to him, they found him in his crib watching in amazment. What amazes me is that the whole room smelt like smoke but him and his crib. He had a bubble of protection around him and we are all thankful for it.
The point of this email is that for all of you reading this I ask for you to keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers through this rough time in her and her family's life. They are strong but everyone has their breaking point.

I called her tonight to see how she was doing and Matthew (her husband) told me that he gave her the night off and sent her out to have some time to herself. He's so great to her. Matthew, thank you for being so good to my sister, she deserves it.
My family

Well, my the new addition to my family is just AWESOME. No, this time I am not talking about Haylei. I am talking about James' side of the family. His entire family have been nothing but great to me and Keenan since the first time we met. They have been sweet and thoughtful since day one. His mom, Laurin, called me on Thanksgiving just because the family was together for dinner and with us living out here we couldn't be there. She knew that James ( or Jamie as some of you know him as) was away from home sailing and she wanted me to feel like I was part of the family, I got passed on to Holly and she is just a great person it is always nice to talk to her. That really touched me. Then she sent an email talking about the family and I thought that was great, it is nice to be kept in the loop when I am just joining it.

Then I got a reply back from an email that I sent to my soon-to-be-sister-in-law, Tiera (isn't that a pretty name) and it was a nice email keeping me up to date as to what was going on in her life. Then I got an email tonight from my new Father-in-Law, Ron. He had sent out an email to the Kerr (Laurin's side) and Gallagher families about this little blog of mine, as well as giving me email addresses to family members I have not met yet. And at the same time putting the pressure on me to keep this blog up to date. LOL!!

I tell you, not only have I found the greatest man ever, I have also found the most amazing family too. To those of you who know this family or are part of this family you are really lucky. Not every family is this awesome. And to those of you who don't know this family I hope you get a chance to meet them, they are great and amazing people and I am excited to be a part of it now.
Thank you to everyone who has made me feel included and especially to my absolutely adorable and terrific husband.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
What a Headache
Okay, after many phone calls back and forth to my sister Angella I finally figured this thing out. I was trying to get in here to post a new blog and couldn't access my stuff. Apparently I had messed up my log in info. There are a few with usernames that I thought I had used. HAHA apparently I was wrong. After a little mind crunching I have figured it out. Thats it!!!! I am starting a book with log ins and passwords that is the only way I'll keep these things straight.
There I go again acting like the "Old fart" that can't work modern technology. LOL!!!

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. We had ours a week early while James was still home. It was nice my bestest friend Pam and her boyfriend Mitchel (who she met at my wedding) came over for dinner. the two of them are a bunch of nuts. Two big kids they are, they make the best pair. I really hope things work out good for them. Okay I may have a bit of an alterior motive. She would be closer to me and that would ROCK!!!!
Well, there really isn't much to report. School is still out and that is starting to become a headache all in itself. Keenan is going stir crazy especially when the other kids on the street are not outside then he gets into his "I have no one to play with" whine. Yes, thats fun to deal with. Because you all know that when that starts so does Haylei then I have both of them going and all I want at times is some tylenol and ear plugs. LOL!! It isn't that bad. Keenan and I had some fun making a tent in the living room with cushions and blankets. Tomorrow I am going to take him to Johnny Zee's. Apparently it is a kids place here along the lines of Chucky Cheese so he should have some fun there. I will post some pictures in the next few days of that.
I sure hope those teachers get what they want, I'm all for them. I just wish they would get it soon.
There I go again acting like the "Old fart" that can't work modern technology. LOL!!!

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. We had ours a week early while James was still home. It was nice my bestest friend Pam and her boyfriend Mitchel (who she met at my wedding) came over for dinner. the two of them are a bunch of nuts. Two big kids they are, they make the best pair. I really hope things work out good for them. Okay I may have a bit of an alterior motive. She would be closer to me and that would ROCK!!!!

I sure hope those teachers get what they want, I'm all for them. I just wish they would get it soon.
Friday, October 07, 2005
NO SCHOOL ???!!!

Well, as we all know the teachers walked out. I don't have a probelem with them walking out and I know that when I was in school I LOVE it when this kind of stuff happend. But now being the parent on the other end it STINKS!! I was enjoying my couple hours a day. Sure Haylei is still little and at home but she sleeps most of the time so that is my time to get stuff done. Even if it is only errands or house work. It is soooooo much easier with only 1 child to drag around. This was already a long weekend and they just made it even LONGER!!!

Anyways, school being out is a real pain in the butt. I really hope they get this sorted out and SOON.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Trying this again
Well, to start off I guess I should say that this has been inspired by my sisters Angella and Dayna. I have been checking in with hers alot more often and think that with our spread out family this is a really cool way to keep track of what is goin on in everyones lives. Thanks guys and hopefully I can keep up with this one.
In short things around here are a bit crazy. Over the summer I married the best man ever!!! What a dream come true!! I got promoted at work, I am now a Corporal!! Yeah, pay raise!!!! And of course my

Keenan is doing great with his little sister, just like having another parent around, which is cute but a little much at times. I guess it is better than him disliking her. He is in school now, (how time flies) he is taking french immersion and loving it. He does so well, he is just a little sponge with new info. He comes home almost every day with something new and tries to stump me. At this time I can understand him but give him a little longer and I'll need french lessons. LOL!!!
James is gone right now with his ship :( And will be gone for 6 weeks. They are going to San Frasisco, San Diego, Ensanada(Mexico) and ...hehehe Port Alberni. Instead of coming home for thanksgiving he will be spending it in beautiful Port Alberni. HAHAHA It doesn't make any sense for them to not come home with them being so close but welcome to our lives. We do what we are told. Gotta love the military. Actually I do love the military, but like every job there are some downfalls and being away from home is one of them.
I should go, gotta go get Keenan from school. He went on his first field trip today to some farm and I'm sure he will be all excited when I get him.
Hopefully I'll be able to keep updating this for everyone. Put this address in your favorites and come back to visit my family.
Talk at y'all later
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