My sister Angella is having a hard time. For those of you who don't know her she is my only full sister two years my elder.
She had a house fire this summer and things still haven't got back to normal. Her, her husband and two kids (Graham and Nathan) have been living at a friends house while her house is being repaired. She was lucky, the only things that she lost were a few material things. It happend on a night when they were out of power and a tea light caught fire in her youngest sons room. They caught it in time and Nathan was unhurt. I don't want to get the facts wrong so you can read about all the details if you follow the link to her blog. We are all really happy that the little guy didn't get hurt. There wasn't a scratch on him. He didn't even cry when this was happing to him, they found him in his crib watching in amazment. What amazes me is that the whole room smelt like smoke but him and his crib. He had a bubble of protection around him and we are all thankful for it.
The point of this email is that for all of you reading this I ask for you to keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers through this rough time in her and her family's life. They are strong but everyone has their breaking point.

I called her tonight to see how she was doing and Matthew (her husband) told me that he gave her the night off and sent her out to have some time to herself. He's so great to her. Matthew, thank you for being so good to my sister, she deserves it.
Thanks, Mel. I love you too. All will be well soon.
Thanks for loving me too.
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