Okay, after many phone calls back and forth to my sister Angella I finally figured this thing out. I was trying to get in here to post a new blog and couldn't access my stuff. Apparently I had messed up my log in info. There are a few with usernames that I thought I had used. HAHA apparently I was wrong. After a little mind crunching I have figured it out. Thats it!!!! I am starting a book with log ins and passwords that is the only way I'll keep these things straight.
There I go again acting like the "Old fart" that can't work modern technology. LOL!!!

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. We had ours a week early while James was still home. It was nice my bestest friend Pam and her boyfriend Mitchel (who she met at my wedding) came over for dinner. the two of them are a bunch of nuts. Two big kids they are, they make the best pair. I really hope things work out good for them. Okay I may have a bit of an alterior motive. She would be closer to me and that would ROCK!!!!

Well, there really isn't much to report. School is still out and that is starting to become a headache all in itself. Keenan is going stir crazy especially when the other kids on the street are not outside then he gets into his "I have no one to play with" whine. Yes, thats fun to deal with. Because you all know that when that starts so does Haylei then I have both of them going and all I want at times is some tylenol and ear plugs. LOL!! It isn't that bad. Keenan and I had some fun making a tent in the living room with cushions and blankets. Tomorrow I am going to take him to Johnny Zee's. Apparently it is a kids place here along the lines of Chucky Cheese so he should have some fun there. I will post some pictures in the next few days of that.
I sure hope those teachers get what they want, I'm all for them. I just wish they would get it soon.
Yay! You got on!!! Hope Keenan gets to go to school soon :)
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