I am back home now. I say "home" but is it really ? I mean this will always be "back home" but being up here I have realised that our real "home" is in Victoria. I mean I do love coming back. There is just something about walking into a grocery store, gas station or bar and KNOW that you will know, at minimum, a few people, if not most. I love that about being here. But we have been here for just over a week now and for the last couple days I kinda just want to go home. I want our house, our home. I want the place that my amazing husband and I live with our 2 beautiful (usually) kids living our normal every day lives. Even if he isn't here right now. I guess home is really what you make it. |
Friday, December 29, 2006
Going back home.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
And how was your week ?
I will warn you that this one is a little long. It has been a LONG week.
So as a prefix I will let you your know that I had planned on going to Vancoucer on Sat, the 16th. Then we could watch 2 of my little brother Lance's hockey games. This kid (who really isn't a kid anymore) kicks butt on the ice from what I am told. We may not be very close but I sure am proud of him.
Side bar---- Lance if you happen to hear about this or actully read this. I AM very proud of you and if you if EVER want or need a place to stay weither it is for a weekend or for school you are more than welcome at our place.
Monday- I put my back into spasms helping Haylei off the recliner. Which put me out of commission flat on my back for Tuesday and Wednesday. Which was fun with the kids. I arranged for them to stay at their daycare over night once but other than that Keenan was my right hand man. He was such and immense help. Poor guy shouldn't have to have that much responsibility but he did it all willingly. He pretty much did everything from putting her in and out of bed to helping dress her and changing her diapers. Only pee diapers though. No way will he go anywhere near a poopy one, don't blame him.
Thursday I had to go to physio. For some reason our garage door isn't working properly so I had to open it manually. Moved the truck out and went to close the garage door. I got it half way down and it got stuck. With my back I couldn't bend over and pull it the rest of the way closed so I used the palm of my hand to kinda pull it down. While doing that my fingers got caught in between two of the panels right when the weight of the door finally caught and brought it down completely. WITH MY FINGERS STILL IN IT !! The sounds were gross, all I heard was crunching and grinding coming from my finger tips. Of course my first reaction was to pull my hand out but that was not going to happen, it was in there good. Finally with my other hand I got the door up enough to get my fingers out. So there I am in my driveway screaming, crying, jumping up and down and cussing up a storm. Keenan is in the truck freaking out. He gets out and comes over and his screaming and crying adds to the scene. I am sure my neighbours were wondering what the heck was going on over at my house. I did have a lighter moment in all of this. When I finally calm myself down enough to get back in the truck Keenan says to me..."Thats it I've had enough, where is you cell. I'm calling 911." Smart kid but I wasn't letting him call 911 for my fingers.
Thursday night- we had our "storm" which I later was told that had been a class 2 hurricane. So no power, phone, TV, no nothing. We all have gas fireplaces in our developement, they are a standard feature in all of the homes. So at least we had a heat source. But that was it. I am sure that everyone has heard about the damage that it caused. Sean and Holli, the neighbours, came knocking on my back door sometime around 0300-0330 in the morning as the storm was going on. They were just checking on everyone to make sure we were all okay. I only heard them because I was sleeping on the couch because of my back. So there we are in the middle of this storm in my backyard trying to get my lawn furniture into the house before it flew away. I am glad they showed up because with my back and my hand pretty much hooped I couldn't have done it myself. The winds were so strong that it picked up the fort I built for Keenan (which is huge) moved it over about 15 feet or so, turned it 180 degrees and layed it on its back. So its door now faces the sky and the roof faces the house. His slide I found 3 houses down with a huge hole in it, one of the roofs had been ripped off. It was absolutely amazing. You could hear the wind building up then it was like the house would shake. I have never seen or heard or been through anything like it. There were so many trees down everywhere that it took them until sunday night to restore power. We lost all of our food in the fridge and freezers. Almost all of our salt water tropical fish died. All we have left is our Nemo, somehow he made it through. They just couldn't survive without their heaters running, the water just got too cold. It is soooooo sad, I loved those guys. I mean I just got our sting ray and now hes gone too. Sucks, big time.
So while we are out of power the kids get restless, and in my state there really wasn't much that I could do to entertain them. We did go for a walk the next day to check out the neighbourhoods damage but by the end of that I was dying. It felt like someone was kicking my back with knives in the tips of their boots. Just brutal.
Friday- I start packing for the trip but with no power I ended up packing a lot of dirty clothes. Plus I had to do it after Haylei went to bed because she would be unpacking as I was packing, so only having candle power made that task a little frusterating. Finally I gave up and just started shoving clothes and stuff into bags.
Sat- We leave tonight so I had to get all the garbage and recycling ready for Monday. And with all of the food I had to get rid of that in itself was a feat. I get the stuff ready for Cleo as she will be staying with a friend while we are away. Drop her off, head back to the house to finish up all the last minute packing stuff. My friend calls and says that he can't keep the dog. She wouldn't go in his house, all she would do was run back and forth from gate to gate in his backyard and dig under the fence trying to get out. He was afraid that if he kept her we would come home to no dog because she would have ran away. I kind of understand but this was not the time to tell me that I now have nowhere to put my dog. Then he books her on a flight up to my moms for Sunday...when we weren't going to be there until Tuesday. By this point I am a blubbering mess on the phone with my mom trying to figure all of this out. I called every Kennel in the book plus a couple that weren't listed and ALL of them were booked over Christmas. My only choices were to put Cleo on the flight or stay home with Haylei and send Keenan up to my moms. There was no way that I could keep Keenan here, he was SO excited about going up to Nana and Papa's and playing in the snow and everything. I couldn't do that to him. Mom said that if Cleo had to take the flight then that is what we would have to do, she would figure out how to get her from the airport and what to do with her until we got there. Mom and Dad don't have a fenced yard so that would be FUN!! So that was the option we went with.Obviously we didn't make it to Van that night.
Sunday- Okay, TODAY we will get out of here !! I get the truck all packed up with our luggage, kids, dog, and of course food and drinks for my two never ending eating machines. Plus one small cooler of food I managed to save from the deep freezer. Not much but I wasn't losing it if I didn't have to. Which is now in my Dad's girlfriends freezer in Vancoucer. Then we get to my friends house who is lending me a carrier for Cleo. I go to the Vets to see if there is something that I can give her to make the travel less stressful. Apparently you can give them gravol. Didn't know that. Too easy. We get some gravol and do a couple more quick stops. I give Cleo some gravol in a treat about 1 hour before I take her to the airport, just like the vet said. We get to the airport, get the dog in the crate and take her in. I go up to the Air Canada desk and ask what I am supposed to do with her now. I'm in the wrong building. NICE!! The one I am looking for is down the road a bit. Okay, we walk down there. At this time it is 1pm and the flight is at 2pm. Lots of time. I ask the lady there what I do with Cleo now and she tells me that Cleo can't go!!!! WHAT!!!! Apparently I was supposed to be there 2 hours ahead. No one told me. I mean how much time does it take to "check in" a dog ???!!! Plus the crate wasn't big enough, she couldn't stand up and turn around "comfortably". She could move around but not enough for this ladys standards apparently. I am BEYOND my breaking point already and now this!!! OMG!!!! YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS !!! This week can't be happening. So both me and Keenan are crying and so I tell him that I will still send him up to Nan's and Haylei and I will stay at home with Cleo. Out of the blue this lady pipes up. "No, you won't!! Don't be silly you can't be all separated at Christmas. I won't let you. I will take you dog. I am here to pick up my daughters 2 dogs so I will take yours with me too." I'm stunned. All I could say was. "Are you serious ? I'm gone for 3 weeks, thats a long time." She was totally adiment about keeping Cleo. She hugged me and kissed my cheeck. (Keenan pulled me aside and whispered, "Why did that lady kiss you ? We don't know her. He's didn't get it, he's so cute.) So ya, she took Cleo. No problems. While we waited for her dogs to arrive we got to talking and her son in law is on the same ship as James. Small world eh ? Okay, now we are off to the ferry to finally get to Van. At this point we are too late to watch any of my brothers games which SUCKED. But on the way to the ferry the check engine light comes on in James truck. WHAT NOW!! By the time we hit the ferry it was off again. Cool. We get to Van and now I gotta remember how to get to Lougheed Mall by my Dad'a place. Suuuuure. Nope, don't remember. I just kept driving straight until I hit and area that I recognised and then went from there. I figure it out and get there. But now Dad won't be there for another 45 minutes or so. Great, I take 2 tired, bored and cranky kids into the mall right before closing time. Good times!! We get to Dads chat for a bit, my brother Lance was there and so was my little sis Courney. Finally the day is over and bedtime comes quickly.
Monday- didn't do much. Took the kids to a couple cool fish stores and to Metrotown mall. By this time Haylei was sick of sitting, with all the time she spent in the truck yesterday and she did NOT want to be in a shopping cart either. Haylei puked once today, right down my clevage!! GROSS!!! But rather uneventful, which was nice.
Tues - I am up by 0430, kids are up at 0500 and we are out of Dads by 0530. Get to the gate okay then they announce that the Terrace airport is under a weather advisory and we may not be able to land. Sweet, could this get any better ? Yup, if they don't land they will take us to Prince Rupert and bus us from there. Which would probably get us in around 3pm (ish). All of that time on a bus with the kids. We did manage to land in Terrace so that was good. Then collecting the bags and we are missing one. Yep, it just keeps coming. I go to the counter to ask about it and Haylei pukes. YA!! Also there had been massive rain the night before and it caused a mud slide on the highway between the airport and Kitimat. The road was closed. Eventually the cleared it enough so that there was single lane traffic through that area. But the mom didn't want to chance the highway, she even called the RCMP to see what they had to say and they advised her that if she didn't NEED to go then to not. So that left me waiting for the "nobody loves me bus" to take me into town and she would get us from there. Kicker.....the next bus didn't show up there until after 2pm. And we didn't leave there until after 3pm. I STRONGLY suggest NEVER having to spend almost 6 hours in a SMALL airport with 2 cranky/tired kids who have been up since 5am and nothing to do.
So, how was your week ?
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Proof that I am old...and cheap apparently.
I'll just rest up and heal for now. Then if I can find a sitter, there is always next weekend's party......right ?
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
But here I am. I had the below mentioned "cross-your-finger-I-don't-get-busted" mess dinner today, well actually it was a lunch. The lunch was served to us by our bosses, then senior staff and the officers. And let me tell you, it doesn't happen very often that THEY cater to US. After the lunch was over we were given the rest of the day off and they had busses on to take those that wanted to go over to the Junior Ranks Club to continue to "celebrate" our christmas dinner. The bosses knowing that some of them are going to have not-so-happy campers tomorrow at work. YES, we still have to work tomorrow. Some places get the next day off but NOT us.
Anyways, what do I do ??? I come home. It wasn't THAT long ago that I too would probably have continued to "celebrate". SIGH.....I'm OLD!!!!
Then on this Friday I have my sections christmas party, then on the 15th I have our building christmas party. Too many parties not enough Mel's. Maria has already said that she will take them this Friday, because it is her husband christmas party the following one. Cool, there is one. Now I am on the hunt.....any takers ???
Have I told you lately???
So to his parents, Thank You for raising such a great son. You did an EXCELLENT job.
And to my Sexy Sailor who is out bobbing on the water somewhere.................. I LOVE YOU BABY!!!!!!
Monday, December 04, 2006
So I am going to have to Mickey Mouse these pants.................somehow.
Is anybody out there ???
All I am saying is that it would be nice to hear from all of you who do check in, thats all.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Krazy Keenan Kake
Anyways, seeing how the weather has been less than desireable lately Keenan has been well.....lets say he NEEDS to be outside. Just a little TOO much energy to be cooped up all the time.
I decided that we could kill an afternoon with some baking experiments. He was all for that. He LOVES to help. Ususally it doesn't matter what you are doing, he wants in too.
So we started with a rainbow sparkle cake, but instead of a cake pan we did it in a cookie sheet. Made for some REAL thin cake. It turned out good though. then we had to put something on it. Sure, in went some bakers chocolate, evap milk, icing sugar, milk...whatever. Melt it down then added.....crunched up cookies. Spread it on like icing...sorta. Then went to town decorating it. It has smarties, halloween sprinkles, rainbow sprinkles, licorice christmas tree with smartie decoration and Keenan's name in candy from a candy necklace. After all was said and done, he did a GREAT job. It turned out good. It actually did taste good too !!

While the cake was baking the these two had already started on the decorations...
Trying the REDO

And last but not least, check out the look....
Check out this guy !!!!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
On another note...
How can people be so inconsiderate ????
First of all after the "storm" we went throught the other day we were out of power from about 0130am to shortly after lunch. While the power was out and the roads were less than desireable I had no choice but to go out because Haylei was out of milk. I had stocked up a couple weeks ago when we had the floods but since then have had to use the "extra" jugs before they expired and I hadn't gotten around to restalking the "extra milk".
So off we go. It was too too bad. I mean I am from the North so it really wasn't that bad. But to all Victorian's defence we just aren't used to it here. And I grew up driving in this stuff and have a 4X4 that I had in low and I was still slipping. And that brings me to one of my points. If you don't know how to drive in the snow...DON'T!!! After going out to get said milk we were coming back to our house...
Now, NONE of the roads were plowed and the roads were turning very slippery. And once you get into the developement then you have to go up this hill before you get the our house which is up on that hill. I am trying to go up the hill and there are a couple cars on the side of the road sort of snowed in, parents and kids out playing in this miracle of acutal SNOW in Victoria. And this JERK starts to come down the hill. On a summer day that would be no problem. Problem is, ITS NOT SUMMER!!!
So he decides he is coming down and I have no choice but to stop. Dead stop. Right in the middle of a icy hill. GREAT!! Didi I mention that my 6 year old is trying to tell me how to drive and the baby is screaming in the back because she dropped her bottle...again. Everyone is looking at this guys like..."What are you doing ?" And he continues on with a look on his face that he doesn't see anything wrong. I tried a few times to get going again but it was hopeless. I just wasn't getting up that hill from here. I was about to back down it and try again when....my faith was restored.
One of the guys that was outside with his kids came over and gave me bit of a push, enough to get me going. But he did talk to me like I was the steroetypical "dumb chick driver", do this do that but don't do this. That bothers me but he was trying to help so I went along with it. I can shut my mouth on occasion. LOL!! Anyways I finally got home and my faith was restored.
Until today. The roads were clear enough to get into work today, some areas of town and some schools still didn't have power though. So on my way home from work I am on my way home and on the Sooke-ahalla and at the beginning of the highway there is a small section of double lane traffic. And as I was ending the double lanes and we were bottlenecking into the single lane everyone was slowing down. I looked ahead and there was a car stuck in the snowbank. As everyone was going slow I watched as all 9 cars in front of me slowed to a crawl to go around safely. AND NO ONE STOPPED TO HELP. How rude. You know that if that was them, they would want someone to help them out. Do people not think of that. I was so dissapointed in those people and I was pissed.
So I pull up as close to the shoulder as I am going to chance and a safe distance away from them and put on my hazards. I get over to them and they seemed like really nice people, he had tried to turn around and apparently didn't pick the greatest spot to do it in. So she gets in and he and I start pushing. the too must be from here becasue she pretty much guns it ance we get her to relax a bit we get it rocking. Just about out. She BRAKES!! Traffic was coming. If we stopped for all the traffic we would NEVER get out. Faith restored again!!! Another guy pulls over in front of us and offers to help. A RCMP comes up with her lights going and comes over. She wasn't there for this she was looking of a truck in a ravine. WHAT??!! And I gotta take this road home ?!?! GREAT!!. Because she was there people actually stopped at it started to back up a bit. As she walked back to her car we got the car out and I went back to my truck. The police stayed longer enough to let the stuck car get out all the way onto the highway and then she left. I left behind her, before the backed up cars. hehehe
A Different Christmas Poem

The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light,
I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight.
My wife was asleep, her head on my chest,
My daughter beside me, angelic in rest.
Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white,
Transforming the yard to a winter delight.
The sparkling lights in the tree I believe,
Completed the magic that was Christmas Eve.
My eyelids were heavy, my breathing was deep,
Secure and surrounded by love I would sleep.
In perfect contentment, or so it would seem,
So I slumbered, perhaps I started to dream.
The sound wasn't loud, and it wasn't too near,
But I opened my eyes when it tickled my ear.
Perhaps just a cough, I didn't quite know,
Then the sure sound of footsteps outside in the snow.
My soul gave a tremble, I struggled to hear,
And I crept to the door just to see who was near.
Standing out in the cold and the dark of the night,
A lone figure stood, his face weary and tight.
A soldier, I puzzled, some twenty years old,
Perhaps a Marine, huddled here in the cold.
Alone in the dark, he looked up and smiled,
Standing watch over me, and my wife and my child.
"What are you doing?" I asked without fear,"
Come in this moment, it's freezing out here!
Put down your pack, brush the snow from your sleeve,
You should be at home on a cold Christmas Eve!"
For barely a moment I saw his eyes shift,
Away from the cold and the snow blown in drifts.
To the window that danced with a warm fire's light
Then he sighed and he said "Its really all right,
I'm out here by choice. I'm here every night."
"It's my duty to stand at the front of the line,
That separates you from the darkest of times.
No one had to ask or beg or implore me,
I'm proud to stand here like my fathers before me,Then he sighed, "That's a Christmas 'Gram always remembers."
Sunday, November 26, 2006

I read Holli's blog today and I will take her suggestion of posting it instead. If you have ever had this fudge you will agree that it IS fabulous, and extremly easy.
2 cups semi sweet chips (basically 1 package)
2 cups milk chocolate chip (basically 1 package)
1 jar marshmellow cream1 can evaporated milk
4 1/2 cups sugar
2 tblsp margarine
pinch salt
Melt the milk, sugar, margarine and salt in a sauce pan, bring it just to a boil. Boil for up to 5 minute, depending on texture. Pour chocolate chips into a bowl, pour mixture over top and mix well. Pour into 9x9 pan. Let stand or refridgerate until solid.
I told ya it was easy.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Had to do it
Hello MOMMY!!!!
Everyone welcome my mom, Linda Lewis to Blogland !!! I spent a little bit of time on the phone with her tonight and she now knows how to get to our blogs and how to send an email.
Keep practicing mom, it will get easier as you get used to it!!!
Love You
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Ladies only . . . Which Movie Star Are You?
Ever wonder which movie star you are most like?
A team of researchers got together and analyzed the personalities of movie stars. The gathered info has been incorporated into this quiz. There are only 10 questions so it doesn't take long. Number your paper from 1 to 10 Answer each question with the choice that most describes you at this point in your life, and then add up the points that correspond with your answers.
Don't look ahead or you will ruin the fun
1) Which describes your perfect date
a) Candlelight dinner for two
b) Amusement Park
c) Rollerblading in the park
d) Rock Concert
e) Have dinner & see a movie
f) Dinner at home! with a loved one
2. What is your favorite type of music
a) Rock and Roll
b) Alternative
c) Soft Rock
d) Classical
e) Christian
f) Jazz
3. What is your favorite type of movie
a) Comedy
b) Horror
c) Musical
d) Romance
e) Documentary
f) Mystery
4. Which of the following jobs would you choose if you wer given only these choices
a) Waiter/Waitress
b) Sports Player
c) Teacher
d) Policeman
e) Bartender
f) Business person
5. Which would you rather do if you had an hour to waste
a) Work out
b) Make out
c) Watch TV
d) Listen to the radio
e) Sleep
f) Read
6. Of the following colors, which do you like best
a) Yellow
b) White
c) Sky blue
d) Teal
e) Gold
f) Red
7. Which one of the following would you like to eat right now
a) Ice cream
b) Pizza
c) Sushi
d) Pasta
e) Salad
f) Lobster Tail
8. Which is your favorite holiday
a) Halloween
b) Christmas
c) New Year's
d) Valentine's Day
e) Thanksgiving
f) Fourth of July
9. If you could go to any of the following places, which would it be
a) Reno
b) Spain
c) Las Vegas
d) Hawaii
e) Hollywood
f) British Columbia
10. Of the following, who would you rather spend time with
a) Someone who is smart
b) Someone with good looks
c) Someone who is a party animal
d) Someone who has fun all the time
e) Someone who is very emotional
f) Someone who is fun to be with
Now total up your points on each question
1. a-4 b-2 c-5 d-1 e-3 f-6
2. a-2 b-1 c-4 d-5 e-3 f-6
3. a-2 b-1 c-3 d-4 e-5 f-6
4. a-4 b-5 c-3 d-2 e-1 f-6
5. a-5 b-4 c-2 d-1 e-3 f-6
6. a-1 b-5 c-3 d-2 e-4 f-6
7. a-3 b-2 c-1 d-4 e-5 f-6
8. a-1 b-3 c-2 d-4 e-5 f-6
9. a-4 b-5 c-1 d-4 e-3 f-6
10. a-5 b-2 c-1 d-3 e-4 f-6
NOW, take your total and find out which Movie Star you are
(10-17 points) You are MADONNA:
You are wild and crazy and you know it. You know how to have fun, but you may take it to extremes. You know what you are doing though, and are much in control of your own life. People don't always see things your way, but that doesn't mean that you should do away with your beliefs. Try to remember that your wild spirit can lead to hurting yourself and others
(18-26 points) You are DORIS DAY
You are fun, friendly, and popular! You are a real crowd pleaser. You have probably been out on the town your share of times, yet you come home with the values that your mother taught you. Marriage and children are very important to you, but only after you have fun. Don't let the people you please influence you to stray
(27-34 points) You are DEBBIE REYNOLDS
You are cute, and everyone loves you. You are a best friend that no one takes the chance of losing. You never hurt feelings and seldom have your own feelings hurt. Life is a breeze. You are witty, and calm most of the time. Just keep clear of back stabbers, and you are worry-free.>
(35-42 points) You are GRACE KELLY:
You are a lover. Romance, flowers, and wine are all you need to enjoy yourself. You are serious about all commitments and are a family person. You call your Mom every Sunday, and never forget a Birthday. Don't let your passion for romance get confused with the real thing
(43-50 points) You are KATHERINE HEPBURN:
You are smart, a real thinker. Every situation is approached with a plan. You are very healthy in mind and body. You don't take crap from anyone. You have only a couple of individuals that you consider "realfriends". You teach strong family values. Keep your feet planted in them, but don't overlook a bad situation when it does happen
(51-60 points) You are ELIZABETH TAYLOR:
Everyone is in awe of you. You know what you want and how to get it. You have more friends that you know what to do with. Your word is your bond. Everyone knows when you say something it is money in the bank.You attract the opposite sex. Your intelligence overwhelms most. Your memory is the next thing to photographic. Everyone admires you because you are so considerate and lovable. You know how to enjoy life and treat people right.
Sunday, November 19, 2006

Saturday, November 18, 2006
Anyways enough about the stinkn' road. Back to James. So I told James that we have been getting quite a bit of rain and that if I had to I will swim across the flood with both kids on my back if I gotta but I AM going to make it there. Could you picture that...okay I would actually do that but I would solicit anyone I could find with a boat or something. I sure as heck wouldn't give up. I know it already I will be ready to go at 0930 when our timing isn't until 2pm. Oh, well. At least I won't miss it.
SO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! This rain is NOT going to kill our day!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
today for Christmas. I haven't taken any pictures yet...hold on I will be right back.....
Okay, they aren't very good but this is what I got done today.

Isn't this little guys cute ??? He walks up and down the ladder by himself carrying light bulbs that are light. His sleigh even play christmas tunes. He is sooo cool. I love him, he's new.
I know most of you are thinking that i am crazy for doing it already but I figured that the extension cords are already out there from the Halloween decorations so I may as well plug in the Christmas ones. The tunes, I will agree are are little too soon, well as loud as the kids have that thing. I turned it down once they went to bed. And I plan to keep it like that for at least a little longer. I don't know if all of the neighbours would appreciate Christmas music playing throughout the street. This thing can go pretty loud.
Anyways, that is it from me for now. well, I will probably post some more pics of the kids if blogger will let me and then I am off to wrap James's Christmas gifts and stocking so tha I can get them in the mail on time for him to get it at Christmas.
Monday, November 06, 2006
More of the kids
Here are some from Halloween...

I got Keenan's fort put together during the day on Halloween, it turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself. Here si Haylei with Bailey, my friend Terry's dog.
Keenan couldn't wait until we were all done to start checking it out. It will look better once we get a chance to paint it. If it ever stops raining.
I find this one a little creepy the way Keenan is in the background. Reminds me of a picture of me and my sister when we were small. Angella's head is floating above mine.
Aren't they just soooo cute.
This is her new thing in the last couple days, she does it all of the time. Little turkey.
If you are wondering where Keenan is he is taking the picture. I tried to get some shots of Nan and Papa with the kids but Haylei wouldn't cooperate. All she did was scream.
Rain Rain Go AWAY!!!

I had heard that the only road into our deveoplement was about to be closed because the river is coming up way too much. I called Keenans school to see what they have heard and they told me that they hadn't heard anything yet. That was at about 1000 this morning. By 1130 they had called me back saying that they were bussing everyone home to make sure that the kids got home before roads start closing. There was a bus leaving soon and one leaving shortly after but that they would call me to let me know. Finally shortly after 1pm I called the school back to see what was going on because Keenan still wasn't home. They told me that the bus had left 10 minutes prior. I wasn't too happy, I mean it is a good thing I called other wise I would have never known that he was on his way, and he would have had to walk all the way home in this torrential down pour. So as soon as I got off the phone I packed up Haylei and we went to go wait at the bus stop. The bus had come already and the pour guy was walking, he was just SOAKED!!!
Once he got into the truck I was asking how the roads were and he told how looded some parts were. Curiosity got the better of me and we went for a little drive so I could see it for myself. I can't believe how MUCH the river has risen, I mean it is up to the side of the road, and almost up to the mini bridge that we have to go over to get in and out of our developement. Just on a side note there is only 1 road in/out so if we loose that access I am going to be stuck here. I just hope the power holds out, because that would REALLY SUCK!!!
Check these out...okay I guess check just this one out. Blogger won't let me post any of the pictures I took of the flooding. I will try to post them later...
Sunday, November 05, 2006
I'm baaaack...sort of
Hello everyone. I know I have been gone for awhile but my parents were here and I got a NASTY flu that had me down for most of the time they were here. I am not back to 100% yet but I am getting there. Like I said in the title, I am only sort of back. I promise that I will get back to the posts but not right now. This one is mostly for James. And anyone else that wants to see the kids.
Baby, here are some recent shots of our crazy (and the most adorable) kids.
Isn't he cute!! Yes he really is sleeping. I went to check on the kids before i went to bed and he was soooo cute that I ran downstairs to get my camera!!
We were decorating for Halloween. Check out fearless Haylei !! She will climb anything. A real monkey she is.
Thats our little cowgirl!!!!! It was the longest time I have ever seen her wear a hat.
Well there are a couple, blogger isn't being nice to me , it won't let me post any more. I will post more tomorrow. I will make sure I get the halloween ones too. I will start posting more now that life is returning to normal with my parents gone now.
On a side note to James:
Honey, we love you and miss you like crazy. We are all thinking of you all the time. Can't wait for you to be home.
I love you
As for the rest of you...I will be posting more soon :)
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
But what I can tell you is that her name is Emily Dian Dykstra and she was born around 2:13 today weighing in at 8lbs 51/2 oz. and 21 inches long.
So Welcome Baby Emliy, I can't wait to see you. I am SURE you are a beautiful little girl!!!!!
We love you
Auntie Mel, Uncle James and cousins Keenan and Haylei
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Poor Little Haylei
Today Maria (she watches the kids during the day) called me because Haylei was just TERRIBLE. She hardly ate, basically a couple bits of this or that, and that is NOT Haylei. Normally she is munching on something ALL DAY LONG. And she only had 3ish bottles today where in the same time frame on a normal day she would have gone through around 8 of milk or water/juice. And apparently she was rather lethargic, all in all NOT being her on the go self.
I took her to the clinic again today, saw the same dr that we saw last week and now he says that she has an ear infection. And he says that the poops bother him so I have to take a poop sample to the lab tomorrow. Here is my question...If this is an ear infection could it have started last week ? If so, what could happen if this has gone untreated for that long ? And if any one out there has had to deal with them please fill me in because I have never had to deal with them.
This is one trait that she got from Daddy, apparently he suffered from them when he was small.
Baby D's arrival
Well as we speak she is more than 3cm (well that is what she was at the dr's earlier, she is probably a bit more by now)!!! She went in and got her membranes stripped today and when they did that she was already at the 3cm. So now it can happen any time. I just talked to her and she said that she is getting contractions on and off but not good enough to bother timing them yet. If nothing happends then they are in first thing tomorrow morning and then will break her water...if that don't work then they will start the drip. I doubt if it will have to go that far because when she goes, she GOES. There is no fooling around, she gets them babies out and FAST!!
You see she isn't actually due until the 21st(I think) but because we grow them BIG and she goes so fast the dr can kinda control it. Plus Angella was told that if the baby was to go to term it could be around the 11 pound mark!!!! Holy crap, I wouldn't want to go to term either if I were her!!! 9 1/2 was enough and BOTH of mine were late.
Once I hear more I will let you know!!
I'm thinking of you Ange!!!
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Utilizes a ball instead of conventional wheels to increase maneuverability
Quick-release telescopic wand expands for instant cleaning
Uses Dyson's exclusive Root Cyclone™ Technology
Effortlessly glides into awkward spaces that are usually missed
Wide channel picks up large debris that other vacuums can leave behind
Hygienic, easy empty Dust Bin
Extendable hose in handle reaches to the top of the stairs for easy cleaning
Approved for Allergy sufferers by the British Allergy Foundation
Lifetime washable HEPA filters
Clear Dust Bin allows you to see how the DC15 works
Brushbar turns off at the touch of a button to protect delicate rugs and hard floors
High velocity airflow tools
Mini turbine head Cleans pet hair and dirt from confined spaces
Low reach floor tool provides easier cleaning under low furniture such as beds and sofas
Carpet care kit Keeps new carpets looking new
Big list eh ?? I know most of you stopped reading but I feel like a kid in a candy store right now. This thing is AWESOME. I love it already...and I haven't even used it yet. Oh...the anticipation.

Man, I need a life. Okay, I admit it. I'm getting old, I mean common, a vacuum and cleaning my floors is what gets me excited. LOL!!!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Time ? What time ???
But my mommy is coming in 2 weeks and she will be here for 3 weeks so that should be enough time & help that I might actually get ahead of the game. To quickly fall behind after she leaves. But at least while she is here I will have some help.
The single parent thing was hard enough when there was only one kid but doing it with 2 is EXHAUSTING. I know there are people out there doing it, my mom did it, but it is FREAKIN tiring. I guess I can take solice in the fact that there is an end, not any time soon, but it is still there.
Monday, September 25, 2006
IQ test
Return of the Brain
I have been complaining that since James left my vacuum SUCKS. Well actually that is the problem...it doesn't. Today the brain kicked in and I decided to take it apart as see what was going on. I'm glad I did, the filter was JAMMED PACK with crap...and saw dust.
To be totally honest, things like vacuuming, laundry...generally most house cleaning James did. I had my stint where ALL I did was clean but then I basically went on strike and James picked it all up. So with him gone and a brand new BIG house I had to step up again.
While his dad was here they framed in the wall and did the electrical in the basement spare room. And apparently used the vacuum to clean it all up. Well, the vacuum didn't like that and when I started my investigating it threw up on me. Which was my first hint that something was off. Once I got it all out it was about the size of a tennis ball...no wonder the dang thing wasn't working so well.
Even though I got it working it still is a cheap crappy vacuum. It works okay on carpet but not so well on hardwood or tile. And seeing how we have more tile and hardwood in this house than carpet I STILL need a GOOD vacuum. Any ideas on a GOOD vacuum with GOOD suction that DOESN'T cost an arm and a leg ??
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
See for those of you who don't know much about the military, usually when the guys are gone the wives at home make a Honey-Do-List with all of the things that he needs to do when he gets home. Well, mine is backwards.
So included on that list is to recover the dining room chairs. See when we bought our set it had cream colored seats and that didn't work for long in this house. Some were even worse with fruit punch on two of them. Lets just say Keenan isn't the cleanest eater and at least 3-5 time a week he spills his drink. That is why we give him everything in a tupperware cup that has a tight seal and a straw hole in the lid. Here is one of the originals without the juice stains, just real yucky.

And here is the newly covered one.

It is a vinyl so that we can just wipe the messes away.
Other stuff on my list is...
-Organize the den, since we moved in it has been rather neglected. I think I've tried to clean it once and got as far as cleaning up the writhing space.
-Attack our room, the other neglected room.
-Put up shelves in our bathroom for all of James' products. Just kidding its all my crap.
-Re organizing the kids rooms
-Putting up all of our pictures
-Organizing the basement & storage room.
-Drywalling the spare bedroom
-Organizing the garage
-Building the kids a fort, (I already have the wood I gotta clean the garage so I can use it as a work shop.)
Out of all of that all that I have done is the chairs. All of that should keep me busy for a bit...I hope.
I think that the worse part is is that I was procrastinating on this post. LOL!!!
Taking the quiz
Part 1: The Birth of You
Were you a planned baby? Don't know
Were you the first? No, I was my moms last
Who was present at your birth? Mom for sure and I think Uncle Stu was there too
Were your parents married when you were born? Yes
What is your birthdate? July 7th
Part 2: The Family
Are you parents married or divorced? Divorced
An only child? NOT AT ALL
If you have siblings, are you oldest, middle, or youngest? I'm smack dab in the middle, 2 older brother, 2 older sister, 2 younger brothers, 2 younger sister. Can't get any more in the middle than that.
What are your sibling's names? Chris, Mark, Michelle, Angella, Dayna, Lance, Chad, Courtney
What do you fight about? Me and Ang have probably fought about EVERYTHING.
Which parent do you get along with best? My mommy.
Do you have step parents? Yes
Part 3: The Friends
Do you have more than one best friend? Yes, I have James and Pam. I have a few REALLY great friends too
What do you like to do when you are together? Just spending time together
Do you share the same interests? some of them
Which friend can you tell anything to? Pam, James just doesn't need to know some of the girly things. LOL!!
Part 4: Your Personality
How high/low is your self esteem? Honestly it is pretty low lately, but then again I AM fatter than I have ever been.
Do you get depressed about things easily? Not easily but it has happend
Are you an extrovert (outgoing) or an introvert (reserved)? I'ld like to say extrovert, but I'm sure I'm borderline on both
Are you happy? I don't know...have you read my previous posts? Not the happiest camper right now!
Do you live life to the fullest? Probably not enough.
Part 5: Appearance
Are you comfortable with the way you look? NO
Describe your hair? Long, redish, crazy curls, I like it better when it is straight.
How do you dress? Army uniform during the day and fat/frumpy clothes the rest of the time.
Part 6: The Past
Were you a strange child? I don't think so
What did you used to love that you no longer do? Play sports
Do you have the same friends? Not too many, a couple though.
Was there anything in your past that was traumatizing? Almost most of my past!!!
Part 7: The Future
What is your ambition? To get back to my old weight and have a terrific life with my terrific family and terrific career.
Are you scared of growing old? I will not grow old, I am 29 and WILL NOT have another birthday..
Do you want to get married? Not again!
Part 8: The Outdoors
Do you prefer indoors or outdoors? Outdoors if it's warm, indoors if it's not
Favorite Season: Winter can be pretty , Summer can be too hot, here Fall is wet, so I will have to say Spring
Do you like walking in the rain? Sometimes it can be fun.
Part 9: Food
Are you a vegetarian? HECK NO
What is your favorite food? Italian and anything spicy.
What food makes you want to gag? Liver
What is your favorite dessert? Nanaimo bars and anything that Pam bakes.
What is your favorite restaurant? Pescatores
Are you a fussy eater? No, that is my problem.
Part 10: Relationships and Love
Are you single or taken? TAKEN by a GREAT man
If taken who is the lucky guy/girl? My baby James
Do you think love is the best feeling in the world? Hell YA!
Do you believe in love at first sight? I didn't used to but I do now.
Part 11: Experiences
What was one of your greatest experiences? The birth of my children
What was one of the worst? Too many to name, but one was Keenan getting REALLY sick when he was a baby
Have you ever thought you were going to die? Once or twice
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
Sicky little boy
Dayna came on Sat and we did a little shopping then on the way back to our house there happend to be a Carnival so we stopped and Keenan got to go on some rides...HE LOVES RIDES. But he is in that in between stage where the kiddie rides aren't enough and most of the big kid rides are too much.
Anyways, we got home and just kida hung out. That noght he comes into my room around 0400ish crying about a sore throat and yucky tummy. It was downhill from there. I was going to see if I could get someone to watch him while I took Dayna back into town on Sun but he seemed like he was on an upswing. I was wrong. Then last night he had me up around 0300ish. Poor guy.
I took him into the clinic today and they said that there was a virus going around and to keep doing what I was doing but they were going to take a swab anyways. Good thing too because he has strep throat. Poor little man, I know what that was like because I had it almost once a month when I was younger.
So needless to say that he is getting the ROYAL treatment, and hopefully we get this thing licked soon. :(
Sunday, September 17, 2006
More AWESOME pics of the Kids
Okay, I know I haven't had the best luck with customer service lately but I can say that Sears made up for it.
I got pics done of the kids and they were supposed to be magical effects but when they didn't come in I called to ask why they weren't in yet they told me that their Lab didn't do the backgrounds that I wanted anymore and that they have changed backgrounds. So they gave us a few regular pics done of the kids and refunded my money, AND gave us a free session so that the kids COULD get magical effects. The best thing was that they not only gave us the first batch of free photos they also didn't charge us for the next sitting fee, all of the reg pics that they use for the magical effects, the magical effect PLUS they gave us 2 magical effect per kid when the original order was only one per kid. Talk about a SWEET deal.
BUT THEN... to top it off the originals STILL came. So I ended up with 3 magical effects per kid, all of the reg pics plus extras for killer cheap. Now that is what I call customer service. I don't know if I plan on using them much because they do cost ALOT more than Walmart but I will say the magical effects are worth it. They turned out SOOOOO awesome.
Here was Keenan's original pose... And they did this with it...
And these were the extra magical effect they gave us...
Friday, September 15, 2006
I rush home from work so that THE BRICK can deliver our footboard...finally. We only bought the bed back in May. We told them that it wasn't needed until mid Aug...no problem we were told. So moving day comes and we get a headboard, rails and the mattresses. NO FOOTBOARD.
After many conversations with their shitty customer service we got NOWHERE. Finally they say that they have it, and try to deliver it the other morning but I was at work. No one called to arrange a drop off time. Finally they come today, take the footboard upstairs and go to the garage to collect the other pieces...they go to take the headboard out of the box and guess what...ITS BROKEN!!!! So now they say that it is a special order and we are looking at end Oct.
I have fired off 2 emails to the Vice Pres of Western region expressing how pissed I am.
This day has SUCKED SOOOOOOOO bad, that if anything else happends I am going to crawl under my sheets and NEVER come out!!!!
So I go to the Dr's this morning and he decides that until my foot heals that I need to be on a TCAT (temporary medical category) outlining that I cannot do certain things because of my foot. It says that I will be on 1/2 days until Mar 07. Is he CRAZY????
The thing is is that I was already on a TCAT because of my knees...blew em out in basic training and have been fighting for someone to see them ever since. Finally (4 YEARS LATER) they decide to refer me to a orthopedic specialist. Sounds GREAT...6 months later still no word from the orthopod. The kicker...I was referred to the SAME office that I have been to 3 times for my foot. Apparently these so called SPECIALISTS DON'T specialize in multi tasking.
So now that I am on a second category stating only 1/2 days I can't go on my course which I need to advance in my career. Not only that but if I don't get better they could possible medically release me. NOT GOOD!!! The last thing I want to do is get out of the military. I LOVE THIS JOB!!!
So now with James gone, new house, property line issues, 2 kids at home I get to have this thrown at me too.
All I want to do is curl up and NEVER face the real world again. I know it won't happen but I can only wish.
So that is my rant for the day...OH, not yet. Then (because like I don't already know that I'm FAT right now) the Dr says that if I lose weight it should decrease the strain on my knee...YOU THINK!!!! Like I haven't been trying to lose weight. Dumbass, what does he think that I enjoy being FAT??!!! Hasn't his mother even told him that if he didn't have anything nice to say then he should just SHUT UP!!!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Twice today I have been told that someone has checked out our Blog and I LOVE it. I don't get many comments posted but it does make me happy that people out there are checking in occasionally.
So to you that check this out, thank you. I enjoy when comments are made but I know it can be hard to find things to say sometimes. If you do check this out and you also have a blog, please comment and let me know your blog so I can check it out too.
P.S. Hi Maria and Jazz. :)
Speaking of Dayna she is going to New Zealand soon with her best friend and they are going to travel around for 2 months before she starts some schooling in Australia. I am sooo proud of her, shes going to make something with herself just you wait and see.
Dayna just on a note to you, I am jealous of your trip. I would LOVE to have been able to do something like that when I was your age. Have a great trip and savour every minute of it.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Since James has been off I have checked the computer often hoping for an email and everytime I sit down to check everyone's blogs. Man...I need a life. LOL!!!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
The fidge movers...
For those of you who are wondering what the heck I'm talkin about...
Sean and Holli moved into their house like 5 days after we moved into ours. And their fridge wasn't going to be delivered for a bit. We have a second fridge so we let them borrow it, well, here they are moving it down the street... Maybe it was one of those had to there moments but it looked funny from where I was standing.

The last two make it look like Sean was moving it on his own...Holli is there but she is hidding behind the fridge.