But on a good note I got to see James yesterday. And yes he is still as handsome as ever. He shaved his head, not bald but still barely there. It looked fuzzy. Hehehe. It was so nice to SEE him, and to see him when he talked. To see his smile. I was soooooo great!!! Keenan was so happy to see him and talked to him. Haylei, well...she didn't know why we were in this room talking to a computer screen. But she did like the box of jubejubes she found. The only crappy thing was that the web cam on my side wasn't working so we could see them but they couldn' t see them. That sucked cuz I had the kids all decked out. Keenan was wearing khaki pants and a botton up shirt on because he thought that they looked like stuff that dad wears. And we put product in his hair to make it like daddy's. With that little flip up thing in the front. He was such a happy little man that day. Haylei was stylin' too. She had on these cute little jeans with flowers embroidered on the cuffs, a white shirt with blue flowers on it and blue frills around the bottom and cuffs and topped off with a long (mid-calf) blue woolly jacket with fur collar and cuffs. Her hair was in two little pig tails on top of her head, she was soooo cute & stylin' for a 15 month old. That is why it sucks so bad that he didn't get to see them.
But in all of my rush getting myself and the kids ready and out the door before any one gets filthy I forgot my camera. And of course the kids could stay clean until we got home to take one after the fact. Keenan ate doghnuts when we were at the Military Family Resource Centre, thats where the video conference was. And of course that ended up on him...everywhere. Haylei on the other hand also had a little timbit face but by the time we had gotten home she totally leaked right through those cute little jeans....and her adoreable jacket...and still soaked her car seat. She was WET!!
And still no pictures...sorry. I will have a redo day soo. They were just too cute. They will just have to humor me. Until then I will leave you with these...the OTHER of Miss Haylei that most people don't get to see. These are some shots that she will hate me for later...they are SOOOOO getting developed.

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