I had heard that the only road into our deveoplement was about to be closed because the river is coming up way too much. I called Keenans school to see what they have heard and they told me that they hadn't heard anything yet. That was at about 1000 this morning. By 1130 they had called me back saying that they were bussing everyone home to make sure that the kids got home before roads start closing. There was a bus leaving soon and one leaving shortly after but that they would call me to let me know. Finally shortly after 1pm I called the school back to see what was going on because Keenan still wasn't home. They told me that the bus had left 10 minutes prior. I wasn't too happy, I mean it is a good thing I called other wise I would have never known that he was on his way, and he would have had to walk all the way home in this torrential down pour. So as soon as I got off the phone I packed up Haylei and we went to go wait at the bus stop. The bus had come already and the pour guy was walking, he was just SOAKED!!!
Once he got into the truck I was asking how the roads were and he told how looded some parts were. Curiosity got the better of me and we went for a little drive so I could see it for myself. I can't believe how MUCH the river has risen, I mean it is up to the side of the road, and almost up to the mini bridge that we have to go over to get in and out of our developement. Just on a side note there is only 1 road in/out so if we loose that access I am going to be stuck here. I just hope the power holds out, because that would REALLY SUCK!!!
Check these out...okay I guess check just this one out. Blogger won't let me post any of the pictures I took of the flooding. I will try to post them later...
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