Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I just have to share these photos!!! We tried Haylei on some banana baby food and she didn't know what hit her. The faces she made were priceless, it was like she was eating a lemon!!! And of course, my camera didn't get the really good ones.

Here is Haylei at bathtime. We have come to feed her her cereal in the bath before bed. It is just cleaner that way. She usually is good during bathtime unless we have to wake her up to do it. Which is almost every night, but if she has enough time to actually wake up first she enjoys it.

Here is Daddy feeding her. She isn't really awake here, she didn't want to eat, she only wanted to sleep. But once we took her out, her smiling self emerged!!! Now, isn't that a happy baby!!!!

By the way, if anyone has any helpful hints about how my camera will take better pictures (not so dark) that would be greatly appreciated. This camera is starting to drive me NUTS!!!!!


Okay, everyone out there. I have proof that it DOES snow in Victoria. Mind you it isn't much but it was enough to get everyone excited....well, at least the kids. It may not look like much but it doesn't take much to get people freaking out around here, my guess is that if there had been even twice as much it probably would have been called a "Snow Day." LOL!!!!!

This was the quickest I have ever seen Keenan get ready in the morning. As soon as he saw the snow it took him all of 2 minutes to be dressed and out playing. I couldn't say no to him, even if it was only may be the only time he got to play with snow this year. He was soooooo happy!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

He's back !!!!!

Yes, thats right my husband is back. It was a LONG six weeks but he is finally home and we are all VERY happy about it. He returned last wednesday and I don't think I got any sleep the two days before. The excitement was unbearable. Finally the day came and we loaded up the kids and headed down to dockyard to pick him up. I say "we" because Pam came over the night before so that she could be there when her hunny came in too (he's on the same ship as James).

The worse part about meeting the ships is that once they come alongside you still have to wait 30-60 minutes for them to do the lines and to position the brow. It is such a major tease. There he is, as handsome as always standing on the deck of the ship looking down at you and all you can do is stand there and look. So close but yet still WAY to far away. The announcement was finally made that the ships company was to "land gash", for those of you who don't know what that means...they have to bring all the garbage off the ship. Finally we got to hold each other. And get kisses...oh I love kisses!!! It was short lived though because there is still a little bit of work left to do. So back on the ship he goes.

The funny part was when he had just got in and was standing on the deck looking down at us. All he kept saying was that Haylei looked soooooo big. And he is right, as of last week she was 12lbs 13oz. It had been 6 weeks and did he ever see a huge difference. Keenan was so cute too, he was standing there with a big sign hanging from his neck that read "HI DAD" all coloured and it had 3 big balloons tied to it. He was the only one there with a sign but he didn't care, he got to see his daddy.

When we go on these trips we always bring back presents. Keenan and Haylei both got PJ's from Alcatraz...they are sooooo cute. My little Jailbirds!!! Keenan got a Mini Robosapien, he now has almost the whole robo family. He already had the original Robosapien and Robosapien Jr. We all got bracelettes from Mexico, and Keenan got a huge remote controlled Hummer, which Haylei fit neatly into the box for it. I also got a HUGE!!!!!! polar bear.

This is what is on both of the kids PJ's

One night while James was away we were talking on the phone and somehow it came about that I told him to bring me back a Polar Bear, of course I was kidding but the silly guy did it anyways. This thing is soooo big, it is alomst the size of Keenan. I have appropriately names him Diego, because James got him in San Diego.

Anyways, I should go now but enjoy the pictures and as soon as I get a picture of Diego I will post him to share him with all of you.

More pictures

I just thought I would post some pictures of our family for you to all enjoy!!!

Our chunky monkey!!!

She is licking the couch...does that taste good ???

Daddy and his baby girl

Keenan wants to be a baby again!!!!

Feeding time

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Good Recipe

Okay, seeing how I am just sitting here waiting for tomorrow to hurry up and get here (I feel like a kid at christmas) I thought I would pass along this recipe. My sister Angella sent me this in a email tonight and I forward it along to some people but I MUST post it for the rest of you to enjoy. Make sure you read the whole thing, I wouldn't want anyone to miss a step. LOL!!!


1 cup of water
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup of sugar
1 tsp salt
1 cup of brown sugar
lemon juice
4 large eggs
1 cup of nuts
2 cups of dried friut
1 bottle of jose cuervo tequila

Sample tequila to check quality. Take a large bowl, taste cuervo again,
to be sure it is of the highest quality, pour one level cup and drink.
Turn on the electric mixer...Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl.
Add one tsp of sugar...Beat again.
At this piont it's best to make sure thetequila is still OK, try another cup, just in case.
Turn off the mixerer thingy.
Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuck inthe cup of dried fruit.
Mix on theturner.
If the dried friut gets stuck in the beaterers just pry it out witha drewscriver.
Sample Tequila to check for tonsisticity.
Next, sift 2 cups of salt, or something...Check the tequila.
Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts.
Add onetable.
Add a spoon and sugar, or something, whatever you can find.
Greash the oven. turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over.
dontforget to beat off the turner.
Finally, throw the bowl through the window,finish the tequila and make sure to put the stove in the friggin wishdasher.CHERRY MISTMAS!!

Quick one

This is just a quick one, I have to go get Keenan is a few minutes but I wanted to share this photo with you all. I had asked my sister the other day for what I called the creepy picture. It was a picture that was taken of us when we were small and her head was superimposed in the top corner looking down at me. It really was creepy and if she finds it I willpost it so you can see what I mean. But she did find this one and her comment on it was perfect...she said "I think it captures our true essence as the children we were. Doesn't Mel look like she's just about to do something she shouldn't and then get the giggles?" She was sooooo right.

Anyways James is home tomorrow and I can't wait. I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight. He called late last night and we talked for 40 minutes. After that I had a hard time getting back to sleep, I am just toooooooo excited. It is going to be so nice to have him back. The military life isn't for everyone but it is the life we chose. I think of it this way...if one of us is always going away we can never get sick of each other and we are always happy to see each other. And we make the most of the time we do have together. He is just such a great man, I'm happy to be his wife.

Okay, I could ramble on about him but I have to go get Keenan...

Love you all

Saturday, November 12, 2005

More Videos

Okay, I'm addicted to these videos. It takes awhile for them to upload but I think they are GREAT!!! Here are a couple more of Haylei. In the one with Keenan talking too...I just find it funny. He is deffinatley NOT one to talk. This boy can clear a room full of adults. I have now affectionatly nicknamed them the Royalty of STINK!!! He is King Stinky or Sir Stinks Alot and she is Queen Stinky or Pricess Stinky. Enjoy!!

Upload Video at

Upload Video at

Video !!!

Well, my sister Dayna has figured out how to post video clips on the blogs. I was trying to figure it out and it wasn't working for me. But Dayna came to my rescue. I was doing it right...but apparently I just don't have the patience to wait. Hehe. Anyways, here is my first video post. Mainly this is for James to finally hear Haylei's giggle but I hope the rest of you enjoy this too.

Upload Video at
Isn't this AWESOME!!!!!

Friday, November 11, 2005


Here is some more pictures just to look at. And by the way people, COMMENT !!! I know more than just my sister Angella reads this thing so please comment. I like reading them.
Doesn't she look like she is thinking ?

Our little boxer ????

Me and Keenan at Johnny Zee's

Keenan sleeping with all of his toys.

Have I mentioned my AMAZING husband ?

Well, he's done it again. I don't think I could have ever found a better man than the one I have. Just when I am happy because there is only 5 more sleeps until he returns home to us, he goes and does something like this.

I have always thought that he was the BEST MAN EVER but he has shown it time and time again. I thought that when he sent me flowers on his birthday was awesome but he topped it today. He sent me even MORE flowers. One dozen red and one dozen pink. How great is he.

He is in Ensanada, Mexico right now and no doubt he is having fun. I talked to him last night and he is missing home bad, but he knows that it is less than a week to go so he'll be okay.

Thank You Honey!!!! I Love You !!!!!!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Newest picture

I know I have already emailed this to just about everyone but I have to put it here too. They are just tooooooooo cute. Keenan is just so good with her its amazing. Haylei is growing like crazy, she will be 11 weeks tomorrow and she got out her first real belly giggle yesterday. It was so cute I called Keenan down from upstairs just to hear it. I wanted to call James but that isn't possible so I called my mom. It was just so adorable that I had to share it with someone and I knew she would be home.


This is going to be a short one. Both kids are in bed and I plan on joining them real soon.

Earlier I promised to include a picture of Haylei's ladybug costume. Well, here it is along with some more.

Aren't they cute!!

Talk about ADORABLE !!!!!

Nana was going to take Haylei home with her in her luggage.

Nana, Papa, Keenan and Haylei

I included this one because he looks so handsome.

Sunday, November 06, 2005


I have to say that this one was inpired from my sister Angella's blog.

Lately she has mentioned some old music that we used to listen to and how they are remixing it and how our kids love it. Like Roxette's "Listen to your heart".

Keenan loves all of my old CD's. He has loved music since day one. He has never cared for "age apporpriate" music, he likes what mommy likes, ( and used to like). He's liked everything from the Dixie Chicks to The Black Eye Peas to the old "Stand by Me" Soundtrack. He loves the old '90's dance tunes, "Let your backbone Slide," He can even sing the verse "Thank you for blessing me, with a mind to rhyme and two hot feet." Or whatever it says. He makes it sound good.

It is just so funny to hear him singing some of the lyrics to some of the songs. Like right now he likes "I play chicken with the Train" by Cowboy Troy. I happen to like this one too. But at the end of the song the lyrics are "Get you summa 'dat" And to hear him say it, puts me into giggles every time. He gets into it too, some faces he makes when he is singing are totaly serious.

Even the New Mini Pops are doing all of the recent songs, they have a version of The Black Eye Peas' "Lets get it started". He used to LOVE that song, that is why we chose that song to walk into our reception to.

But you know what...I STILL love that music, it makes me remember some good times.

Saturday, November 05, 2005


Halloween was a YUCKY day. During the day the weather was just nasty, there was wind and rain for most of the day. It slowed down around dinner time, just in time for TRICK or TREATING!!! The kids looked great. I got soooo many comments on Haylei is was awesome. Keenan looked great but didn't like to keep his mask on because he got toooo hot.

I headed out with the kids around 5:30 and didn't get back to the house until 7:10. I expected Keenan to want to keep going but he said that he had enough and wanted to chek out the haunted house. The Haunted House was put on at the YAC(youth activity center) by a bunch of teens in the neighbourhood. It was good, short but good. One of the teens (Tyler) knows Keenan because he has babysat him before. While I was taking Keenan through the house I had said something like ("Its okay Keenan") and Tyler heard me so he knew Keenan was coming and hid in the closet. When we walked by the closet he started rattling the doors saying "Keeeeeeenaaaan...Keeeenaaaaan." It freaked Keenan out big time. The in the next room Keenan looked at me and asked "Mom, how did the closet know my name?" It was sooooo cute.

This isn't the costume that she wore, but once I download the pictures I will post the real costume.

Catching up

Sorry it has been awhile. My parents were here and I just couldn't find time to update this so the next few will be catching up.

So, where to begin...well, two days after my parents got here I had some friends come into town. If you were at the wedding you probably met them. Pam, Eliza and Michelle. Eliza is from Kitimat (my home town) and was down here for her grad reunion. She went to a private school in Shawnigan Lake that is only about 1/2 hour from where I live. Pam and Michelle are both from Vancouver. Pam grew up in Kitimat and we have been friends since we were two years old. Michelle is a friend of Eliza's that I met at Eliza's wedding about 5 years ago. And since then she has become a friend of mine.

Well, the girls all got here on Friday and we had a few drinks at my house before heading out. It was nice to be around friends and go out. It has been a long time and I LOVE doing it. Between me and James I am definitely the more outgoing/social one. I would love nothing more than to have friends over all the time playing games and having fun. We used to do that all the time but life happends and people move.

Well, once we left my house we headed downtown. We hit a couple clubs and then a house party. I don't know what time we got home but it was definitely late (or early depending on how you look at it). We had a blast. We met some people, danced and all in all had a great time. The downfall was the next day when Keenan decided that it was time for me to get up after only a VERY short sleep. I guess that would be why we don't do this too often. LOL!!!

I think that it would have been even more fun for me if James was there but that will happen soon enough. A week after he gets home his ship is having its Christmas party. We have tickets to that, everything is all planned...except a sitter. I'm still trying to find one. James got us a hotel for the night which will be nice IF I can find a overnight sitter. I hope so because it would be great to spend a little time with just him. But if not then that's just the way things are. Man, I wish we had family closer.