Friday, April 28, 2006

6 Weird things about me...

I've been given the task to find 6 weird things about me... okay I'll try.

1. I have a thing I do with my thumbs that makes me comfort thing I guess. When I am chilling out in front of the TV at nights and especially when I am trying to go to sleep I tuck my thumbs in between my middle and pointing fingers. James laughs at me all the time but it works for me. If I am having a hard time getting to sleep I usually realise that my thumbs aren't tucked in, I tuck them in and off to sleepy-bye I go.

2. I LOVE PAPER WORK and STRESS!!!! It drives some people crazy but I thrive on it. I guess that is why I love my job.

3. I have a strange baby toe. I doesn't touch the floor, it is bent over the top of the next toe. It kinda looks like I have my toes crossed.

4. My big toe (on the same foot) doesn't touch the ground either. Since my last surgery on it I can slip about 20 pieces of paper under it without touching.

5. I too, like my sister Angella, enjoy my food separated. I am not as bad as she is (I can handle it touching). But I do eat my food one portion at a time. ie. all my meat first, then all veg, then all potatos, but never mix them together.

6. When me and James are holding hands I CAN NOT STAND it when my hand is on top. Mine has to be under his. Don't ask me why but it just bugs the snot out of me. He finds it funny and always tries to make my hand on top but it doesn't happen.

They aren't totally WEIRD but those are some of my quirks.


Angella said...

I was wondering if you still read my blog...because you never comment... :)

Your baby toe IS weird - and Graham has one too :)

Anonymous said...

LOL! you can totally tell that we're all sisters....we have many of the same quirks, just different variations. My problem is, I have too many. I was listing them down before i posted and got to like 15...I decided to stop there and just pick a few.
I particularly relate to #2,5,and 6.

Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. » »