So, where to begin...well, two days after my parents got here I had some friends come into town. If you were at the wedding you probably met them. Pam, Eliza and Michelle. Eliza is from Kitimat (my home town) and was down here for her grad reunion. She went to a private school in Shawnigan Lake that is only about 1/2 hour from where I live. Pam and Michelle are both from Vancouver. Pam grew up in Kitimat and we have been friends since we were two years old. Michelle is a friend of Eliza's that I met at Eliza's wedding about 5 years ago. And since then she has become a friend of mine.

Well, the girls all got here on Friday and we had a few drinks at my house before heading out. It was nice to be around friends and go out. It has been a long time and I LOVE doing it. Between me and James I am definitely the more outgoing/social one. I would love nothing more than to have friends over all the time playing games and having fun. We used to do that all the time but life happends and people move.
Well, once we left my house we headed downtown. We hit a couple clubs and then a house party. I don't know what time we got home but it was definitely late (or early depending on how you look at it). We had a blast. We met some people, danced and all in all had a great time. The downfall was the next day when Keenan decided that it was time for me to get up after only a VERY short sleep. I guess that would be why we don't do this too often. LOL!!!
I think that it would have been even more fun for me if James was there but that will happen soon enough. A week after he gets home his ship is having its Christmas party. We have tickets to that, everything is all planned...except a sitter. I'm still trying to find one. James got us a hotel for the night which will be nice IF I can find a overnight sitter. I hope so because it would be great to spend a little time with just him. But if not then that's just the way things are. Man, I wish we had family closer.
I would TOTALLY take her overnight (and Keenan too), if only it weren't a full day to get there!
woohoo what i still awake mel...w.o.o.h.o.o! nice to see me in there hahaha. I had a blast with ya..not like we dont have a riot everytime we get together
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