I just have to share these photos!!! We tried Haylei on some banana baby food and she didn't know what hit her. The faces she made were priceless, it was like she was eating a lemon!!! And of course, my camera didn't get the really good ones.

Here is Haylei at bathtime. We have come to feed her her cereal in the bath before bed. It is just cleaner that way. She usually is good during bathtime unless we have to wake her up to do it. Which is almost every night, but if she has enough time to actually wake up first she enjoys it.
Here is Daddy feeding her. She isn't really awake here, she didn't want to eat, she only wanted to sleep. But once we took her out, her smiling self emerged!!! Now, isn't that a happy baby!!!!
By the way, if anyone has any helpful hints about how my camera will take better pictures (not so dark) that would be greatly appreciated. This camera is starting to drive me NUTS!!!!!
she is sooo cute! what an awesome smile! what kind of camera do you have? you may just have to adjust the white balance. you should either look in your manual or go to the website. usually they have some sort of troubleshoot section
it almost looks like you don't even have the flash on...I'm sure it's fixable. Or you could get a NEW one :)
And she IS adorable!
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