Yes, thats right my husband is back. It was a LONG six weeks but he is finally home and we are all VERY happy about it. He returned last wednesday and I don't think I got any sleep the two days before. The excitement was unbearable. Finally the day came and we loaded up the kids and headed down to dockyard to pick him up. I say "we" because Pam came over the night before so that she could be there when her hunny came in too (he's on the same ship as James). 
The worse part about meeting the ships is that once they come alongside you still have to wait 30-60 minutes for them to do the lines and to position the brow. It is such a major tease. There he is, as handsome as always standing on the deck of the ship looking down at you and all you can do is stand there and look. So close but yet still WAY to far away. The announcement was finally made that the ships company was to "land gash", for those of you who don't know what that means...they have to bring all the garbage off the ship. Finally we got to hold each other. And get kisses...oh I love kisses!!! It was short lived though because there is still a little bit of work left to do. So back on the ship he goes.
The funny part was when he had just got in and was standing on the deck looking down at us. All he kept saying was that Haylei looked soooooo big. And he is right, as of last week she was 12lbs 13oz. It had been 6 weeks and did he ever see a huge difference. Keenan was so cute too, he was standing there with a big sign hanging from his neck that read "HI DAD" all coloured and it had 3 big balloons tied to it. He was the only one there with a sign but he didn't care, he got to see his daddy.
When we go on these trips we always bring back presents. Keenan and Haylei both got PJ's from Alcatraz...they are sooooo cute. My little Jailbirds!!! Keenan got a Mini Robosapien, he now has almost the whole robo family. He already had the original Robosapien and Robosapien Jr. We all got bracelettes from Mexico, and Keenan got a huge remote controlled Hummer, which Haylei fit neatly into the box for it. I also got a HUGE!!!!!! polar bear.
  This is what is on both of the kids PJ's One night while James was away we were talking on the phone and somehow it came about that I told him to bring me back a Polar Bear, of course I was kidding but the silly guy did it anyways. This thing is soooo big, it is alomst the size of Keenan. I have appropriately names him Diego, because James got him in San Diego.
Anyways, I should go now but enjoy the pictures and as soon as I get a picture of Diego I will post him to share him with all of you.
Sooooo cute! I love the one of Haylei in the box :)
Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » » »
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