Friday, November 11, 2005


Here is some more pictures just to look at. And by the way people, COMMENT !!! I know more than just my sister Angella reads this thing so please comment. I like reading them.
Doesn't she look like she is thinking ?

Our little boxer ????

Me and Keenan at Johnny Zee's

Keenan sleeping with all of his toys.


Angella said...

Here I am, commenting again :)
You should send your baby girl on the plane to me. Then I can kiss her belly

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad we make the cutest babies....

Anonymous said...

OMG your kids are so cute!!! When I think back at how we used to be it just somehow makes me laugh at how funny life changes us when we grow up and get married and start having children. Kudos to you and your family, all the best to you hun and congrats!!! Love always xox Teresa Carrita

Anonymous said...

ummm...looks great...we already knew how adorable your kids are...look at their mommy..ummm where are the pictures of me..hahahagive my love to everyone love eliza