Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Baby D's arrival

For those of you who know my sister Angella know that she is pregnant.

Well as we speak she is more than 3cm (well that is what she was at the dr's earlier, she is probably a bit more by now)!!! She went in and got her membranes stripped today and when they did that she was already at the 3cm. So now it can happen any time. I just talked to her and she said that she is getting contractions on and off but not good enough to bother timing them yet. If nothing happends then they are in first thing tomorrow morning and then will break her water...if that don't work then they will start the drip. I doubt if it will have to go that far because when she goes, she GOES. There is no fooling around, she gets them babies out and FAST!!

You see she isn't actually due until the 21st(I think) but because we grow them BIG and she goes so fast the dr can kinda control it. Plus Angella was told that if the baby was to go to term it could be around the 11 pound mark!!!! Holy crap, I wouldn't want to go to term either if I were her!!! 9 1/2 was enough and BOTH of mine were late.

Once I hear more I will let you know!!

I'm thinking of you Ange!!!

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