Tuesday, November 28, 2006

On another note...

Totally off from my last post...

How can people be so inconsiderate ????

First of all after the "storm" we went throught the other day we were out of power from about 0130am to shortly after lunch. While the power was out and the roads were less than desireable I had no choice but to go out because Haylei was out of milk. I had stocked up a couple weeks ago when we had the floods but since then have had to use the "extra" jugs before they expired and I hadn't gotten around to restalking the "extra milk".

So off we go. It was too too bad. I mean I am from the North so it really wasn't that bad. But to all Victorian's defence we just aren't used to it here. And I grew up driving in this stuff and have a 4X4 that I had in low and I was still slipping. And that brings me to one of my points. If you don't know how to drive in the snow...DON'T!!! After going out to get said milk we were coming back to our house...

Now, NONE of the roads were plowed and the roads were turning very slippery. And once you get into the developement then you have to go up this hill before you get the our house which is up on that hill. I am trying to go up the hill and there are a couple cars on the side of the road sort of snowed in, parents and kids out playing in this miracle of acutal SNOW in Victoria. And this JERK starts to come down the hill. On a summer day that would be no problem. Problem is, ITS NOT SUMMER!!!

So he decides he is coming down and I have no choice but to stop. Dead stop. Right in the middle of a icy hill. GREAT!! Didi I mention that my 6 year old is trying to tell me how to drive and the baby is screaming in the back because she dropped her bottle...again. Everyone is looking at this guys like..."What are you doing ?" And he continues on with a look on his face that he doesn't see anything wrong. I tried a few times to get going again but it was hopeless. I just wasn't getting up that hill from here. I was about to back down it and try again when....my faith was restored.

One of the guys that was outside with his kids came over and gave me bit of a push, enough to get me going. But he did talk to me like I was the steroetypical "dumb chick driver", do this do that but don't do this. That bothers me but he was trying to help so I went along with it. I can shut my mouth on occasion. LOL!! Anyways I finally got home and my faith was restored.

Until today. The roads were clear enough to get into work today, some areas of town and some schools still didn't have power though. So on my way home from work I am on my way home and on the Sooke-ahalla and at the beginning of the highway there is a small section of double lane traffic. And as I was ending the double lanes and we were bottlenecking into the single lane everyone was slowing down. I looked ahead and there was a car stuck in the snowbank. As everyone was going slow I watched as all 9 cars in front of me slowed to a crawl to go around safely. AND NO ONE STOPPED TO HELP. How rude. You know that if that was them, they would want someone to help them out. Do people not think of that. I was so dissapointed in those people and I was pissed.

So I pull up as close to the shoulder as I am going to chance and a safe distance away from them and put on my hazards. I get over to them and they seemed like really nice people, he had tried to turn around and apparently didn't pick the greatest spot to do it in. So she gets in and he and I start pushing. the too must be from here becasue she pretty much guns it ance we get her to relax a bit we get it rocking. Just about out. She BRAKES!! Traffic was coming. If we stopped for all the traffic we would NEVER get out. Faith restored again!!! Another guy pulls over in front of us and offers to help. A RCMP comes up with her lights going and comes over. She wasn't there for this she was looking of a truck in a ravine. WHAT??!! And I gotta take this road home ?!?! GREAT!!. Because she was there people actually stopped at it started to back up a bit. As she walked back to her car we got the car out and I went back to my truck. The police stayed longer enough to let the stuck car get out all the way onto the highway and then she left. I left behind her, before the backed up cars. hehehe


Anonymous said...

Way to be a good neighbour!

Momology said...

Sounds like an interesting commute home! Sean can commiserate with you about the hill in this development-he had to dodge some kids walking in the middle of the road the other night-duh!!