Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Okay, I'm not so blog savvy. I can post, post pics, videos and that is about it. How do I track who is checking this out ? My sister Dayna showed me this weekend buy my brain is apparently on vacation mode. It doesn't like the last week either and decided to shut down. LOL!!!


Momology said...

You will have to let me know how to do that when you figure it out again...I am also trying to figure out how to make a new blogskin...I am so computer illiterate!

Anonymous said...

I use www.statcounter.com

It's free & it walks you through where to put the code :)

Mel said...

Okay, it still isn't making any sense to me. I'll have to get you to wlak me through it sometime. :(

Anonymous said...

lol, I knew I should've set it up for you before I left! www.sitemeter.com is still the best one I've tried. I tried the stat counter one but didn't like it.
Let me know if I can help.